Will there be some more tolkienesque campaign settings for the new RuneQuest? something akin to the settings available for Dungeons&Dragons?
Lieutenant Rasczak said:What is this obsession with Tolkien, I find him overly verbose and tiresome at best!
Howards Conan books, now theres a setting (and one Mongoose already have the rights to)!
What about Moorcock, in MHO his worlds are some of the most exciting for gaming!
Archer said:However, I want at least one setting that is more "standard" fantasy ala Tolkien or D&D's Forgotten Realms/Greyhawk.
Lieutenant Rasczak said:Archer said:However, I want at least one setting that is more "standard" fantasy ala Tolkien or D&D's Forgotten Realms/Greyhawk.
Ooh, ooh - who's your favourite Character!
I mean, we all love Elric - but Corum is way cool.
Lieutenant Rasczak said:I agree on that level, it would be nice to see a 'base paradigm' as it would be easier to build up custom worlds.
Lieutenant Rasczak said:Ahh, Hawkmoon - Count Brass was always my favourite
Lieutenant Rasczak said:Thats fair enough, but I am a die-hard Glorantha fan myself Lol.
I'm sure there would be a market for it though.
Tolkien was a great poet, a master of the written word. Howard and Moorcock... maybe not so much. All IMHO, of course. That said, I can understand that some find Tolkien's style boring.Lieutenant Rasczak said:What is this obsession with Tolkien, I find him overly verbose and tiresome at best!
Howards Conan books, now theres a setting (and one Mongoose already have the rights to)!
What about Moorcock, in MHO his worlds are some of the most exciting for gaming!
t-tauri said:RuneQuest is Glorantha. Anything else is just a waste of time.
t-tauri said:Maybe so, but it's the content of my wallet they're after. Note this is a new account on these forums.
I haven't been brought here by the lure of the Open Game Licence, rather I follow the Winds of Urox, the Mighty Storm Bull. :evil:
I've never bought any Mongoose product but I'm ready and able to start spending large amounts on RQ again. I won't be spending any money on any OGL mish mashes. If Mongoose have any idea of their likely customer base then they'll know where to focus their support.
t-tauri said:RuneQuest is Glorantha. Anything else is just a waste of time.