More Questions

I'm just going to borrow this thread to post some misc. questions to avoid cluttering things with another thread, hope you don't mind Chazaroo.

#1 - Would a Phaser-4 (Multihit 2) Still only knock 1 AD off a plasma torpedo? I assume YES

#2 - When in the end phase does the +1 Dilithium Crit from Orion Pirate Boosted Engines ability apply? Can it attempt to fix the Dilithium crit that same turn since damage control is in the end phase?

I had a couple more, but I can't recall them at present, oh well, I'm sure they'll pop back up in my mind again, probably when I'm away from the computer. :)
GalagaGalaxian said:
#1 - Would a Phaser-4 (Multihit 2) Still only knock 1 AD off a plasma torpedo? I assume YES

Good question. The rules are only specific about Killzone not working. While Accurate does. I tend to think it knocks off 2AD because MH-2 is not range dependant.

#2 - When in the end phase does the +1 Dilithium Crit from Orion Pirate Boosted Engines ability apply? Can it attempt to fix the Dilithium crit that same turn since damage control is in the end phase?

The rules for Orions say the crit is applied at the end of the end phase. So after damage control.
Follow-up question: Does a Phaser-4 hit kill one drone or two?

I would say "one" because it's a single pulse. Perhaps it's overkill, but you can't split a Multi-Hit 2 weapons at two different targets.

Some people have said it kills "two" due to the wording of the rule.
And I would have to agree the rule states each hit reduces the AD of the drones by one. So a phaser 4 would kill 2 drones. Wonky yes but that happens with simplicity and that is what the game is trying to archive. If it makes you feel better maybe base actually manage to use a X tech Phaser burst on there Phaser 4s.
But is "each hit" an Attack Dice to-hit roll, or is it Multi-Hit damage point? I think it's the to-hit roll.
Garth I understand your hang up but, it does say each Hit not for each successful Attack Die rolled. And because of that even though it is complely bizarre a Multi Hit 2 is 2 hits. Is this really any more bizarre that being able to fire a ADD at every drone in bound.
I would say two drones as well.

It gives the bases some defence against the long range drone chuckers.

Also remember both License covering and non license series. Phasers are beam weapons (ignoring the pulse quads from the defiant). A beam that sweeps across the target lasting several seconds.

The kill zone thing being the beam staying on target longer at closer ranges hence doing more damage. With Drones the Phaser-4 is powerful enough with better focusing etc to sweep across a small area taking out two drones since being from the same ship and going at the same target they would be close together.
Gotta go with the crowd here.
I understand Garth's pov... but I'd still say a Phaser-4 would take out 2 AD of drones.

Keep it simple and not read more into the rules than the rules state.
Greg Smith said:
GalagaGalaxian said:
#1 - Would a Phaser-4 (Multihit 2) Still only knock 1 AD off a plasma torpedo? I assume YES
Good question. The rules are only specific about Killzone not working. While Accurate does. I tend to think it knocks off 2AD because MH-2 is not range dependant.
Against Drones, Pg 16 seems to indicate one phaser per AD of drones. Using Phaser-4s against drones would be some serious overkill, much better to use them against the ship launching them.

Any ship foolish enough to get within 10" of a battle station is looking at a potential of 32 hits from said phaser-4s. Every turn.

edit: waiting for a certain quote now....
"Resistance is futile" ? Hell, slap some engines on a base (original stats) and make it cube-shaped and you wouldn't be far off !
The battlestation has cleared the planet

Thats not a moon its a battlestation

Wait till the Andro's roll up. TR beams with the firepower of Phaser 4s and they chase you across the board. Mwahahahahahacough.
The battlestation has cleared the planet

Thats not a moon its a battlestation

No, battle station is two words. As is base station. Starbase is one word, however. And you're quoting from the wrong franchise.