Mongoose News - Deepnight Revelation Kickstarter Now Live!


Staff member
The Kickstarter for the all new epic Traveller campaign, Deepnight Revelation, is now live!

You can dive into the action right here:


A converted heavy cruiser, Deepnight Revelation is one of the most powerful exploration vessels ever commissioned. Equipped for a twenty-year voyage, she will carry the Travellers on an epic journey from Charted Space to the edge of the Orion Arm. Deepnight Revelation must forge a path through uncharted systems and the territory of unknown alien races. Everything she finds will be new, and if she meets with disaster there will be no rescue.

This is the biggest, most expansive campaign we have done yet for Traveller, one that will showcase the majesty of the universe to your players as they travel further into deep space. The Kickstarter begins with a massive box set, and we hope you will join us in unlocking a series of hardback expansions that will send your players on a voyage further than any Traveller has gone before…

If you are new to Traveller and want to climb on board the Deepnight Revelation to experience the campaign of a lifetime, we have arranged several packages that can be added to the Kickstarter to get your Traveller collection off to a flying start!
Congratulations on reaching the £20,000 starter funding threshold! The project is a go, and it's just a matter of reaching for the stretch goals.

Good luck!