Like Balgin Stondraeg and Silent Wolf, I think too that “many of the classes in the Lone Wolf RPG just feel forced. As if they had to be juiced up to keep up with the Kai.” The Sommlending knights is a particularly good example. All in the name of the sacro-sanct “game balance” (which also bringed us Humanity and Essence in
Cyberpunk and
Shadowrun respectively, but I digress). Sorry, but Kai are
elite warrior, no more than 1000 in their heyday. There is no way an outlaw (bucaneer) of a “simple” warrior (Sommlending knight) may be a match. Take a G.I. and take a Delta Force, come on!
Other classes may be tweaked for balance without much problem (well, I'm not sure a Knight could stand a Vakeros or a Bucaneer a Magician of Dessi, still), but Kai lord, after all, may be available only at higher level. It reminds me of the DD ECL: one could choose a stronger race, but with penalty. This is usually illogical (perverse background at the rescue), but so is game balance. At least, it doesn't impact on the setting itself.
Balgin Stondraeg said:
“Lad, you don't know the meaning of tough. Not untill you've suffered frostbite at the foot of the Viad Glacier shall you dare to speak of hardship in my presence.”
I love it!
Skyman said:
On the topic of using other systems for Lone Wolf, I am strongly considering converting to Malhavoc Press’s Iron Heroes rules. They are much more tactical and have way more character creation options (more than core DnD even).
(for Jinxed too—GURPS player, with such a nick?)
If you take that route (and I will too, once I’ll have spare time enough), I’d rather suggest
GURPS with the
Powers supplement (maybe also
Magic but the Core book may suffice — I did not read the magic rules yet but I heard
GURPS’ magic is slow, contrary to
GURPS’ psionics). I read some article about
Heroes vs.
GURPS and the latter seem deeper, with an emphasy on realism - even the cinematic rules try to stick with “consistent super-heroes”. BTW, there is a
GURPS 3E conversion.
As for game balance, a great thing for in
GURPS (and I think in
Heroes too) is the point system which makes it
very easy to compare relative powers (although a formidable brute is not comparable to a team of even average smart people, as I proved it with my
nanomorph build and devourer rounds).
Anyway, I’d like to see your
Heroes conversion, since
Heroes are quite close.