Lonewolf conversions

Silver Fox said:
jadrax said:
Over on Towerofthesun there's a couple of Lone Wolf conversions been started upon by various people, including a Warhammer one that's fleshed out pretty well.

Who has done the Warhammer conversion. Is it available for download do you know?

You can find it embedded in this thread:
I've been running a campaign recently with only two players. The first player made a Kai Lord, and for a while it was a solo campaign. Then I brought in the second player, who made a Magician of Dessi.

After a few sessions, the Magician player was complaining that he just wasn't as powerful as the Kai Lord. I think it came down to the fact that he did less damage, had fewer skill points and endurance points, had more Willpower but was unable to recover it as quickly, whos spells were often equaled or bettered by similar Kai Lord abilities that often did not require any real cost, who had less armor class and fewer actual abilities, who had very little to offer over what the Kai Lord could do on his own.

I allowed him to switch over to a Shianti Sorcerer. He loves it. More powerful spells, greater and more varied capabilities, and a serious drawback--he can't cast his spells in secret while darkspawn are around. Strengths and weaknesses he could get behind that made him seem like more then just a sidekick to the Kai Lord...it made him happy, which made me happy.

In any event, I would have to say that the Kai Lord is definately more powerful then any other class in the game (with the possible exception of the Shianti Sorcerers). The reason is simple--they can do most of what any other given class can do, usually a little less well, and then they can also do everything else. They simply have too many powers.

It's great. I love it. They are the good, human equivalent of the various Darkspawn. They are more powerful then most other humans of roughly equal experience. In reality, this is no different then many D20 campaigns I've run or been in where one character had very high stats (+12 or more in ability score modifiers) and another had relatively low (+4 or less). Or where a single powerful item is found in a randomly rolled treasure horde that can only be used by a single character, making that character significantly more powerful then others.

The trick is, for me at least, to give my Players exactly what they want (so they are happy), and then adjust the plot and story such that the game balances itself out (making me happy).

Finally, and sorry for the long post, the reason Lone Wolf was sent out on all these various missions putting the entire world of Magnamund in jeopardy are twofold; first, Lone Wolf was in possesion of the Sommerswerd, transforming him from a relatively low-ranking Kai Lord of considerable-but-not-epic power to a devastating weapon for good; and second, because Kai Lords are THE jack of all trades. No other character class in Sommerlund (meaning no other person in Sommerlund) was capable of the sheer variety and breadth of skills and abilities that Lone Wolf possesed. Also, the Kai had been used and relied on for such things for hundreds of years--they were the ones who the Kingdom relied on to undertake such missions, and with them being around and quite powerful, why would Sommerlund bother to train others to do what the Kai could do?

They wouldn't, and thus they didn't really HAVE anyone to take on these missions. I mean, come on, who do you send when you don't know what exactly might happen? The Rogue, who is great and sneaking around and gathering intelligence and often times dealing with others, but who doesn't have the combat abilities nor the magical/mystical capabilities necessary to deal with those two types of situations? Or the Fighter, who can't really do much of anything but kill things? Or what about the Cleric, who can heal himself and others, fight decently well, deal with people and magical/mystical situations, but who doesn't (typically) have the skills to survive in the wilderness, nor can track foes and survive psychic combat?

No, you send the guy who can do everything, even if he isn't the best at any of it. Very much like a D20 Bard I say, with the added bonus of simply being much, much cooler.
Yes, Avenger, Assassin, Usurper, Overlord, Warbringer and Inferno.
Where you play Avenger, a Ninja Warrior, worshipper of Kwon, Supreme Master of Unarmed Combat.
Timber Wolf said:
Yes, Avenger, Assassin, Usurper, Overlord, Warbringer and Inferno.
Where you play Avenger, a Ninja Warrior, worshipper of Kwon, Supreme Master of Unarmed Combat.

Played pone of them, don't rember which but definatly wasent the first or last one. Really quite enjoyed it but could never find the rest for sale.
Hey Timber Wolf

I notice you only have a few posts here, but if you enjoy forums and you enjoy LW, you should come check out www.towerofthesun.com, you can even be a Dwarf if you want (or a Kai or something else, but given the choice of Dwarf, all the others pale incomparason...)

Of course, I could be biased.

The Dwarf Leader at Tower of the Sun
Timber Wolf said:
Yes, Avenger, Assassin, Usurper, Overlord, Warbringer and Inferno.
Where you play Avenger, a Ninja Warrior, worshipper of Kwon, Supreme Master of Unarmed Combat.

Inferno? I don't remember a fifth one. (That being said, the fourth did seem a bit anti climactic, as if the end was a bit rushed and incomplete).

Who remmebers the Golden Dragon gamebook series? There was no real common theme but each of the six adventures had a few memorable encounters :).

Now the Way of the Tiger series was set in the world of Orb....

So was the Fighting Fantasy book - Talisman of Death

and the Duelmaster series. The Duelmaster series was one of those "two player gamebook deathmatch" things that Joe Dever himself experimented with a bit. Ironicaly some of the pregenerated characters from the first book turned up as npc's in the fourth one (the sort that only made a brief appearance). It was a nice little touch.

The fourth Duelmaster book was set in the same arena that Avenger has to fight in partway through the first Way of the Tiger book.
Inferno seems to just end the series it doesn't seem like the end, it is more like a cliffhanger. Has the hero been killed tune in next week to find out type thing.
Silent Wolf said:
Oh...and for the record I do not hate Samwise...I'd just sooner pal around with Legolas, Aragorn and such :wink: :lol:


You are wrong to thus dismiss hobbit intelligence and military power.

I mean, the Shire just sends 4 guys in nighbouring kingdoms, and they provoke 2 wars, for a body count of more or less 80,000 dead, few of them hobbits !

Just DON'T mess with the Shire. It is a very, very dangerous rogue nation.

Imagine if the Shire had sent 8 blokes? At the very least 160,000 dead, perhaps 200,000!

Oh yeah, and : ;) :D :lol:
phantomdoodler said:
Theres a line from a film I cant remember now(i think its The Incredibles) :

"When everyones special, no ones special."
“When everyone will be super… [evil grin] no one will.”

This quote if from the pissed-off villain who is not a super (although some argued he is super—its power being intelligence.[/quote]
Balgin Stondraeg said:
The only problem with taking the Kai Lords into another d20 fantasy setting is that they tend to have their own psionics rules (especialy FR which is very psychic heavy and don't even mention Dark Sun :p)
You must be mistaking with Eberron
Like Balgin Stondraeg and Silent Wolf, I think too that “many of the classes in the Lone Wolf RPG just feel forced. As if they had to be juiced up to keep up with the Kai.” The Sommlending knights is a particularly good example. All in the name of the sacro-sanct “game balance” (which also bringed us Humanity and Essence in Cyberpunk and Shadowrun respectively, but I digress). Sorry, but Kai are elite warrior, no more than 1000 in their heyday. There is no way an outlaw (bucaneer) of a “simple” warrior (Sommlending knight) may be a match. Take a G.I. and take a Delta Force, come on!

Other classes may be tweaked for balance without much problem (well, I'm not sure a Knight could stand a Vakeros or a Bucaneer a Magician of Dessi, still), but Kai lord, after all, may be available only at higher level. It reminds me of the DD ECL: one could choose a stronger race, but with penalty. This is usually illogical (perverse background at the rescue), but so is game balance. At least, it doesn't impact on the setting itself.

Balgin Stondraeg said:
“Lad, you don't know the meaning of tough. Not untill you've suffered frostbite at the foot of the Viad Glacier shall you dare to speak of hardship in my presence.”
I love it!

Skyman said:
On the topic of using other systems for Lone Wolf, I am strongly considering converting to Malhavoc Press’s Iron Heroes rules. They are much more tactical and have way more character creation options (more than core DnD even).

(for Jinxed too—GURPS player, with such a nick?)

If you take that route (and I will too, once I’ll have spare time enough), I’d rather suggest GURPS with the Powers supplement (maybe also Magic but the Core book may suffice — I did not read the magic rules yet but I heard GURPS’ magic is slow, contrary to GURPS’ psionics). I read some article about Heroes vs. GURPS and the latter seem deeper, with an emphasy on realism - even the cinematic rules try to stick with “consistent super-heroes”. BTW, there is a GURPS 3E conversion.

As for game balance, a great thing for in GURPS (and I think in Heroes too) is the point system which makes it very easy to compare relative powers (although a formidable brute is not comparable to a team of even average smart people, as I proved it with my nanomorph build and devourer rounds).

Anyway, I’d like to see your Heroes conversion, since GURPS and Heroes are quite close.
Ikar-tas-Kai said:
If you take that route (and I will too, once I’ll have spare time enough), I’d rather suggest GURPS with the Powers supplement (maybe also Magic but the Core book may suffice — I did not read the magic rules yet but I heard GURPS’ magic is slow, contrary to GURPS’ psionics). I read some article about Heroes vs. GURPS and the latter seem deeper, with an emphasy on realism - even the cinematic rules try to stick with “consistent super-heroes”. BTW, there is a GURPS 3E conversion.

As for game balance, a great thing for in GURPS (and I think in Heroes too) is the point system which makes it very easy to compare relative powers (although a formidable brute is not comparable to a team of even average smart people, as I proved it with my nanomorph build and devourer rounds).
I started converting Lone Wolf to GURPS. Here is the very beginning. Help will be appreciated. Do you think it is worth posting it here too?

Well, here it is.