Actually, wether it is in french, or in English, I took note of your community concerns
Two Kingdoms was, is, an amateur game whose devloppment has been quite chaotic - the names are indeed a blatant reference to the Lone Wolf universe ( I was a big fan when I was a kid ). It was always planned to use them as a temporary solution, as I wanted to focus on the technical aspects of the game creation, and not the lore ... the website, graphics, and locations names you can see on the website were meant to be temporary - it just happened that I had to drop the project for quite a while
The game is still under (heavy) devloppment, as we speak, and goes through a major graphic / story overhaul : the site, and the game has you know it, will be brought down, and everything will be changed, including the names, locations, etc ...
I would expect those changes to go live during the month of december, 2006, as I'd like to have something playeable for the Xmas holidays.
Now, if the use of these names are a concern for the legal department of Moongoose Publishing, or anyone that holds the copyrights for those elements, please send me a mail, stating what I should remove, and it will be done in a timely fashion