League of Non-Aligned Worlds

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Anybody picked up the League sourcebook at GenCon? If you did, care to share your opinions on it?

Of course Matt's final post about items 4 sale at the Mongoose booth didn't mention the League book at all, so was it even available?
So I guess League won't be out until September? (Mid-Semptember?)
That's my guess too, judging from the news page. It should come out at the same time than Zocalo, which is fine with me. I just received "No Surrender, No Retreat", so I've got some reading to do in the mean time.
Dag'Nabbit said:
Yeeeee Haaaawwwww!!!!!

For those that don't know, this is Southern for
"Now that is exciting news."

"Calm down dear, it's only a commercial!"

(You probably have to be in the UK to get that one though)

It has already appeared in one FLGS (Minneapolis, MN). I only had time to do a quick flip through and random paragraph grammar check. The book looks pretty, but the grammar looks substandard. :(

Going to order my copy tomorrow. Any chance of getting a second volume with the other League races?
Got my copy today. Great book.

Really would have liked pictures of the different ships that we don't normally see. I can't recall ever seeing a Gaim vessel in the series and there was no pictures of one.

Other than that, top notch book. Any word if Mongoose will do a supsequent one or two volumes we get all the Leage races?
I saw a copy of this book yesterday in my local Forbidden Planet (Travelling man also had copies).

I must say I was very impressed given my 20min viewing of the book, loads of very nice pics, and scanning some of the races I was pleased to see the amount of work they have put into making each race unique, including race specific technology.

Whilst obviously there was less detail than in the Narn, Centari and Minbari books there was still enough to give any budding GM or player lots of ideas.

My only complaint about this book is that when they gave quotes about each race from other races points of veiw they did not include the major races. I will hold my hands up and admit this is a VERY minor quibble. :)
Eryx said:
Other than that, top notch book. Any word if Mongoose will do a supsequent one or two volumes we get all the Leage races?

Check out here:


If we want more races (or a League II), we've got to let Mongoose know...
Sounds like another great book! As you can tell from my username I'm really excited about this one.

Unfortunately, none of the stores in Southern California have it yet (none that I know of), so I'm still waiting for it. Oh well.
We were informed that our LFGS would have their copies in today (Friday 10 Sept).

Waiting with mony burning hole in wallet.

No sooner do I give up hope on Thursday, then League shows up at my FLGS on Friday. Now that I have it, I just have to say that it's great! Thank you August and everyone at Mongoose for yet another great Babylon 5 book!

I just have 2 questions that maybe Matt or August can answer. What is that ship in the picture on page 46. It's behind the Ipsha battleglobe and Vree saucer and it's firing off two beams. And actually it kinda looks more like an orbital defense satelite than a ship.

And on page 88 is that the Falkosi or Pikatos fighter pictured? I'm guessing it's the Falkosi as it looks similiar to the old B5Wars Falkosi model. If it is, I like this version much better. Well anyways thanks again guys!

Just got mine today - great job Mongoose!!!

LeagueFan wrote
"I just have 2 questions that maybe Matt or August can answer. What is that ship in the picture on page 46. It's behind the Ipsha battleglobe and Vree saucer and it's firing off two beams. And actually it kinda looks more like an orbital defense satelite than a ship."

I think you will find that is a Dilgar warship. It matches the designs I've seen for an aborted PC B5 combat game. And I think someone else confirmed this in another thread.

I picked up my copy of the league of non-alligned worlds . It is good with backgounds for several major races . The one thing missing is civilain ships , but that is lacking from the other books .

I am willing to be off base on this detail . My thinking is that Abbai , Brakiri , and Vree should have space freighters . passager liners and fast corvettes . Image of the equipment can add a nice favor .

The folks at Mongoose are doing a great job getting books out . I hope this is not taken as personal attack on them . I understand that a good GM could over come this with a little work
Got my copy yesterday, been in one of my FLGS for weks now but had preordered from another shop. The order fell through so got the one I'd been (not literally) drooling over in the other shop.

Looks cool

As usual a very good book with nice idea`s.
If you ever found a way to bring a earthalliancebook with the same standard as the last four "empire" books would be perfect.