Latest Errata File


Staff member
Just to let you all know (especially for the players coming to the tournament next week!) that a new errata file has gone up, which can be downloaded from here;

Don't be alarmed at the page count - if you scroll downwards, you will find something new that I hope you will find agreeable :)

The big changes this time round are no surprise, and they follow the Gorn and Drone discussions.

ADB have informed us that they are investigating a couple of ships (no idea which ones), so we may have another mini-update in the near future but, other than that, no more changes are planned.
Hopefully they'll look into the C8's front phaser bank - still don't like the 'all lumped together' stat line, especially as the KC9R has this. :?

Otherwise, thank you Mongoose/ADB :) , though Gorns STILL have lumbering - unless i missed something :(
Thanks for the update and ship forms look good:


The C8 Dreadnought - I would tend to agree that as all dreadnoughts are now not lumbering - it not having that trait means its overcosted.

The D7 - I thought that was dropping to 170pts (or perhaps lower)
The FireHawk has a Damage score of 32/11, but the FastHawk's score is 40/13; the two values (whichever is correct) should be identical.
The FastHawk is a modified FireHawk; it is supposed to be the same size in terms of box count in SFB and FC (and in terms of Hull scores in Starmada).
Da Boss said:
Thanks for the update and ship forms look good:


The C8 Dreadnought - I would tend to agree that as all dreadnoughts are now not lumbering - it not having that trait means its overcosted.

The D7 - I thought that was dropping to 170pts (or perhaps lower)

Surely the removal of the lumbering trait and no change in points would make it undercosted, as lumbering is negative effects it'd limit the points cost of a ship?
I think the concern was that when the C8 was one of only two non-lumbering DN's the higher cost was justified relative to the other DN's. When all turn 6 DN's are equal, in theory the C8 has lost value relative to them but, as both the Gorn and Kzinti are Turn 9, only the Fed DN really gains relative to the C-8 and KC9R so it isn't much of a relative gain.
the C8 did not have lumbering to begin with, when other dreadnaughts did, which made the c8 more expensive because it did not have the limitations of the lumbering rule.

edit:One thing i noticed is that the errata entry for the c8 is not in the current pdf, so does that mean we just use the unmodified c8 entry from the rulebook? this would mean the points go back down from 345 to 320. But we'd lose command+1, and have longer range phaser 2's with smaller kill zones hehe.

second edit: ok I see the errata seems to include the actual full page replacements of some of the pages, so yeah c8 and whatnot, hmmmm. Oh well :D
In our gaming group the ONLY DN's that were used were the C8 and K9R. They seemed decent for their points whereas the others were rather crippled with lumbering. IMHO the cost of lumbering was not really included in the original points values (how could it be - it was never part of FC? of which the points are based on). So now that lumbering is gone, we can start to use our DN's (well at least the federation one). But I don't see how this is any sort of justification for reducing the points of the C8 and K9R - those are both very good ships and the relative improvement of the Fed DN in now way devalues them!

One other FastHawk note; it seems to be missing the pair of phaser-1s it is supposed to mount in place of the FireHawk's port and starboard plasma-Fs. (Since the firing arcs should overlap, it might be easier to simply up the pre-existing F, P and F, S phaser-1 batteries to 3 AD each, rather than add two new lines each with 1 AD in the same arcs.)
AdmiralGrafSpee said:
In our gaming group the ONLY DN's that were used were the C8 and K9R. They seemed decent for their points whereas the others were rather crippled with lumbering. IMHO the cost of lumbering was not really included in the original points values (how could it be - it was never part of FC? of which the points are based on). So now that lumbering is gone, we can start to use our DN's (well at least the federation one). But I don't see how this is any sort of justification for reducing the points of the C8 and K9R - those are both very good ships and the relative improvement of the Fed DN in now way devalues them!

The Fed Dreadnought was largely ignored for the Kirov - now its fairly comparable (turn ratio, weapons etc) to the C8 but considerably cheaper. I was happy to argue for the increase of the C8 to gain Command and now equally happy to argue that the points should go dwon now that the otehr ships are not lumbering.....
Going by what we know of the Mongoose conversion system, it is 2 x hull = damage score.

The Sparrowhawk and the Fasthawk break this rule (or the Sparrowhawk would be 30 and the Fasthawk 36). The Firehawk is marked as 32 because the Firehawk-K, which is the SFU ship the Mongoose Firehawk is based on, sacrifices two hull boxes for extra phaser-1s. However there are also two versions of the Fasthawk, the Fasthawk-A and the Fasthawk-K. Again the -K sacrifices two hull for two extra phasers. Given the way the weapons are arranged (the phaser-1s in blocks of 2) then I would say the Mongoose Firehawk is the Firehawk-K.

This means that there are two phaser-1s missing still and the hull value is 8 more than another version of the hull with exactly the same number of hull boxes.
AdmiralGrafSpee said:
In our gaming group the ONLY DN's that were used were the C8 and K9R. They seemed decent for their points whereas the others were rather crippled with lumbering.

Hmm, only the Fed DN is limited with lumbering really. The C8/K9R have no lumbering and a turn of 6. The Fed has a turn of 6 but gets stuck with one turn due to lumbering. The other DNs (Condor and the Gorn one) in game so far may have lumbering but they also have Turn 9 so merely get no HET rather than a turn by turn slow down on mobility.
Myrm said:
AdmiralGrafSpee said:
In our gaming group the ONLY DN's that were used were the C8 and K9R. They seemed decent for their points whereas the others were rather crippled with lumbering.

Hmm, only the Fed DN is limited with lumbering really. The C8/K9R have no lumbering and a turn of 6. The Fed has a turn of 6 but gets stuck with one turn due to lumbering. The other DNs (Condor and the Gorn one) in game so far may have lumbering but they also have Turn 9 so merely get no HET rather than a turn by turn slow down on mobility.

Sorry guys but I thought that Lumbering was gone form all current ships including the DNs.

Did I miss a condition on the removal of Lumbering?