Just a formal constatation and a question

The King

Cosmic Mongoose
I saw a map of the original Slaine comic and the Drune Lords territories are located in today's France.

Now I understand better
why they had to cover
what I thought was their face.
What a disgrace!

Because today as they are now uncleanly shaven
We can identify without doubt in these heathen
that they have an arse in place
of their face.

Just kill them all with pleasure.
They turned on evil
on their free will.
They wished to play the bad guys
so just bleed them white
Let us run their rivers dry
and destroy them with all our might.
Rivers of blood
Forest afire
Dry ground river
What a pathetic crowd !

My sky is blue while you face scorched earth
My seas are green while your souls are burning
Your only respite shall lie in your death
and my kingdom shall be again gleaming.
The King said:
...today's France.

that they have an arse in place
of their face.

Just kill them all with pleasure.
Even under poetic liberty, hate and bigotry are not pretty.
But hey, it's your free speech, so go ahead, it's just a game anyway.
As long as it makes you feel better... :wink:
it's funny you mr. righful comes now after a post of mine made 4 months ago.

Did you spent your holidays there and could you enjoy the dryness of the land? The poor fetches complain they have no water despite all the seas around them.
So please mr. rightful purchase for them a charter company so that they may bath in Indonesia and find their ease.

Or perhaps you were in Venezuela yesterday and saw a plane full of them crash on your feet?

Poetry was the might of Celtic bards as you should know and it seems to have more power than weapons.

This has'nt anything to do with either bigotry or hate. As the topic says it was just a formal constatation.

Or don't you even know French humour: that is deliberatly making a mock of others.
Is it unallowed to others or do I have to receive it granted from you as a privilege that you Quebeckers received from the French King before you were severed?

I should then understand better why it is so difficult to keep the French language on an equal level in your green and pleasant land.

But of course freedom, brothership and equality are trademarked by the French even if they have a curious conception in the application of those ideas (Napoleon as the first emperor of the republic for instance who was almost deified).
No mr rightful, you don't have that monopoly either.
Yes it's all really funny and entertaining.:lol:

Thanks Mr. King, you made my day again :P

Keep up the your sense of humour.
redlaco said:
Yes it's all really funny and entertaining.:lol:

Thanks Mr. King, you made my day again :P

Keep up the your sense of humour.
I am then happy to count you in my audience. :D
Moreover it is not because French is your mothertongue that you have to support them. France abandoned the Cajuns as they abandoned the Acadians too.
I will soon have to play in halls to recite my rhymes. :D

In Asterix, the bard is always prevented to play. But in the end these small Britons are liers; The only Gallic resistant was Vercingetorix and I don't believe he was from this region.

These guys have no heroic feats to tell so they prefer to have their bards shut up.

As in Monty Python's Holy Grail we could sing all days long how coward they are and behave.
intreasting a friend of mine argued that it was always the misfits in france that became heroes for example joan of arc was a grade one nutter but also a great hero 8) another example the french resistance in the ww2 was during the war tiny and made up of priests,communists,homosexuals and criminals but they turned out to be great heroes while the main stream seems to have been just following the crowd.their are french heroes but they always seem to come from left field :? 8)
toothill man said:
intreasting a friend of mine argued that it was always the misfits in france that became heroes for example joan of arc was a grade one nutter but also a great hero 8) another example the french resistance in the ww2 was during the war tiny and made up of priests,communists,homosexuals and criminals but they turned out to be great heroes while the main stream seems to have been just following the crowd.their are french heroes but they always seem to come from left field :? 8)
I know some French heroes:
- Joan of Arc was captured by French opposed to the French king and allied to the British. She was then condemned by French judges in Rouen (on British pressure). She was burnt.
- Vercingetorix was a Gallic leader who opposed to the Romans (Julius Caesar). Gallic tribes were fighting alone without order and the guy tried to unify all the resistance. He ended up encircled by 80,000 Romans in Alesia while 250,000 Gallics were encircling the Romans and waiting for cohesion. He was beheaded.
- Jean Moulin was an active resistance leader during German occupation of France. He tried and succeeded in unifying all the resistance movement (Catholic, communists, ...) but he was denounced by French fellows friends to the German (they were a majority while the German was victorious - how curious) and given to the Gestapo where he was tortured to death.

In the end, I wouldn't like to be a French hero.
Just, getting back to the topic at the start of this thread about the Drunes occuping just French territories. Not that my ancient history is very accurate, or whether I'm bothered to look up which countries, alot of the French occupied in the old days.

I have been wondering about the origin of the villainous Lord Weird Slough Feg whose caves are in or near the Pyrenees in or near Spain.

Made me wonder, what is he? If the Drune lords in general are French. I have been thinking he may be Spanish or Iberian Celtic. Though it may be just a place that he conquered, rather than originated from.
no he is sadley of the goddess tribes as he was the horned god a consort to the goddess who refused to sacrifice himself after his term was up but made evil pacts to stay alive :evil: .he could be from the southern tribes or a tribe now gone but he did worship the goddess till he turned.

hope that helps(source horned god trilogy 2000AD comics)