Jump and misjump

BoilMyButtons said:
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. It seems from what people are saying is that Traveller just isn't up to a conspiracy theory sort of game.

That seems surprising to me, as when it's boiled down, all I'm after is a way to simulate people chasing and trying to capture the player, while the player investigates what happened. There certainly seem to be rules for it, such as stealth to avoid being spotted, investigation for searching for clues, etc. The Agent career even seems tailor built for that.

It's good to know I'm barking up the wrong tree though. I've run conspiracy games in various systems before, even D&D of all things, and had them work well. I think I'll try something different for Traveller, though, as it seems it's just lacking in that department. Thanks, everyone.

I don't think anyone in this thread has given reason for you to not do a conspiracy game. There is nothing in the Traveller setting that would keep you from running such a game. Your original question was about jumpspace, not how to run a conspiracy-themed Traveller adventure.

With the many different political and racial factions, not to mention that each planet is more or less free to have its own political system, the Traveller universe offers you an near-infininite amount of settings to do this within. You are only limited by your imagination.
One idea that would fit in the Official Traveller Universe is that you place the "incident" in-or-near the Abyss Rift in Spinward Marshes, as strange jumpspace occurances happens there :) So that way you will not need to explain anything with physics or according to any rules, as all spacefarers of the marshes knows that strange things happens there...

The idea however, sounds awesome
A few library data entries that may interest you:

Winkle: A person who has spent unusually long time (often several generations) in cold sleep, most often as a result of misjumping to somewhere far from a star system and having to travel back to civilization by sublight drive. Named after the hero of an old Solomani folk tale (see Rip van Winkle).

Such people often suffer severe psycological problems from being suddenly cut off from their roots, everyone they knew dead, and the whole universe drastically changed. Winkles often compensate by forming excessively tight loyalty bonds, either to their fellow survivors or to the organization they were working for at the time of their accident.

Also called a girgi.

Girgi: Vilani name for a winkle. Named after the hero of an old Vilani folk tale.

Giirkha Girgi: The protagonist of an old Vilani folk-tale about a foolish wanderer who found and entered an enchanted castle where he slept for ten kargukula (roughly 130 years). Upon awakening and returning to his village, Girgi finds his young fiancé grown old and on her deathbed surrounded by five generations of her descendants that could have been his if he had not been so foolhardy.

Girgi has become a Vilani term for a winkle.

The story is similar to a Solomani folk-tale about one Rip Van Winkle who falls into an enchanted sleep only to awaken many years later to find the world has changed.

I recall that there was one time a TNS bulletin that described an actual victim of jumpspace sickness. Does anyone else remember this and more importanly, the details on the effects?
I recall that there was one time a TNS bulletin that described an actual victim of jumpspace sickness. Does anyone else remember this and more importanly, the details on the effects?
Over a decade late to the party... I was lost in a jumpspace anomaly!

REGINA/REGINA (0310 A788899 A) Date: 102 1112
¶ A dispatch from Terra/Sol (0207 A867A69 F) dated 121-1111 reads: "The first known victim to survive direct exposure to hyperspace arrived at Terra today, suffering from what medical experts are calling 'Hyperspace sickness'.
Naval commander Ansel Churner, an engineering officer on his way to retirement on Prometheus, is being held in strict quarantine until specialists can determine the specific effects the exposure will have. Doctors working on the case are quoted as saying that preliminary tests indicate that Cdr. Churner is in good condition, but is not mobile".
¶ "Three members of the engineering department on the Tyrol, a Rome, Inc. luxury liner were killed. Circumstances of their deaths have not been released at this time".
¶ Admiralty spokesmen at Regina refused to comment on the dispatch.

REGINA/REGINA (0310 A788899 A) Date: 140 1112
¶ A dispatch from Terra/Sol (0207 A867A69-F) dated 130-1111 reads: "The Starship Accident Inspection Team (SAIT) of Australia Down Starport has been officially relieved of its duties in the inspection of the Tyrol, a Rome Inc. luxury liner which suffered mysterious damage while in hyperspace en route to this world. The Naval Attache to Terra, Captain Winston of Duncanhood, Earl of Lardher, officially relieved the SAIT and replaced them with his own team of specialists, including a number of civilian representatives from the Beta Draconis Industries. Heavy security measures, including marine guards, have been implemented, and all access to the Tyrol has been cut off to observers.
¶ Meanwhile medical specialists at the Demosthenes Naval Hospital have confirmed the gradual recovery of Commander Churner from the almost total loss of equilibrium he suffered as a result of exposure to hyperspace."

REGINA/REGINA (0310 A788899 A) Date: 142 1112
¶ A dispatch from Terra/Sol (0207 A867A69-F) dated 132-1111 reads: "The remains of the three engineering crew who were killed in the mysterious mishap on board the Tyrol were identified today as First Mate Jerrance Willan of Hell/Sol, Second Mate Elizabeth Maeer of Prometheus, and Cargo Specialist Albaret Michaelsson of Terra/Sol. Their remains are being held pending the conclusion of medical investigation, after which they will be released to their families."
If you're in jump space for longer than the food will last - that strikes me as an interesting, if not totally pleasant scenario. Maybe there is enough food for 1 but you are 4. Or, enough food for one, but only if you consider unconventional food options. Maybe there is one low berth. But if you're the first one to grab it, what's to stop you from becoming frozen food, so to speak?
If you're in jump space for longer than the food will last - that strikes me as an interesting, if not totally pleasant scenario. Maybe there is enough food for 1 but you are 4. Or, enough food for one, but only if you consider unconventional food options. Maybe there is one low berth. But if you're the first one to grab it, what's to stop you from becoming frozen food, so to speak?
Hmm, once someone is in that berth the others who want the berth might agree that the best thing is for that person to complete their slumber outside the ship. Then a violent fight ensures between the remaining 3 as they realise that is exactly what will also happen to anyone else who takes that berth until there is no-one left to eject them. The last (possibly heavily injured) survivor finally secures the berth after spacing all the others corpses.

When that survivor awakens they are going to have a lot of psychological baggage :)
Hmm, once someone is in that berth the others who want the berth might agree that the best thing is for that person to complete their slumber outside the ship. Then a violent fight ensures between the remaining 3 as they realise that is exactly what will also happen to anyone else who takes that berth until there is no-one left to eject them. The last (possibly heavily injured) survivor finally secures the berth after spacing all the others corpses.

When that survivor awakens they are going to have a lot of psychological baggage :)
How to set up a game to take a group of good friends and turn them into bitter enemies.

This is where Traveller subtly morphs into Paranoia.
If you're in jump space for longer than the food will last - that strikes me as an interesting, if not totally pleasant scenario. Maybe there is enough food for 1 but you are 4. Or, enough food for one, but only if you consider unconventional food options. Maybe there is one low berth. But if you're the first one to grab it, what's to stop you from becoming frozen food, so to speak?

In theory, you only need the head for a comprehensive regeneration, which the survivor could promise to the rest.

So, one low berth would be enough for the rest.
How to set up a game to take a group of good friends and turn them into bitter enemies.

This is where Traveller subtly morphs into Paranoia.
I was thinking more of this happening before the opening credits as it were. The game is that lone survivor making their way in the world after rescue (or possibly waking having drifted close to an inhabited planet). How do they conceal what they have done to survive, do they believe they were justified or does it haunt them.

Lots of RP potential there for a solo player and referee.
I was thinking more of this happening before the opening credits as it were. The game is that lone survivor making their way in the world after rescue (or possibly waking having drifted close to an inhabited planet). How do they conceal what they have done to survive, do they believe they were justified or does it haunt them.

Lots of RP potential there for a solo player and referee.
It should be an event you roll in character creation: do you eat your friends, or do you go hungry? Maybe Melee or END rolls depending on your choice, gain a skill, Stealth, Deception, even Steward (don't think too hard about that last one)
It should be an event you roll in character creation: do you eat your friends, or do you go hungry? Maybe Melee or END rolls depending on your choice, gain a skill, Stealth, Deception, even Steward (don't think too hard about that last one)
The OP was talking about this being the last term of a solo character. This sounds like the ideal behind the scenes what the referee knows but you do not element of Mishap 5 for the scout career. You come back and they ask what about the rest of the crew and you have no recollection initially. Re-integration with society can trigger flashbacks until the horrible truth is eventually revealed to you. But still only you know (but others might suspect). Classic "Angelheart" territory.