Judgement Day Project: #34 Citi-Def Pvt. Raimi

This week I'm throwing up a cheeky submission for Judgement Day. The very tiny Sov satellat. This was originally intended to be an addition to a larger submission, but there you go. I could bore you with various excuses about life annihilating hobby time over the last week or two... so that's pretty much what I'll do.


Taking excuses as read, let's look at the wee satellat. The satellat is most associated with agent Orlock, East Meg One's finest assassin/saboteur/master of espionage, and instigator of the block mania outbreak that preceded the Apocalypse War. This little robot has gotten Orlock out of a couple of scrapes over the years, with a loud BLLLLEEEEEEEE! to warn out approaching danger.


This little fella has already seen action on the tabletop, causing much irritation to Cheetor's Judges in our initial skirmish. Speaking of which, the Sovs are now numerous enough to game with. Here's a shot of the whole squad.


There are several more members of the force to be added yet, but it's pretty satisfying getting them to a gaming size force. More (and most likely more than a tiny robot head) Judge Dredd fun from Cheetor next week.
Thanks Paul. They are resin bases, I'm a bit of a basing fan, so I like to give the bases a theme when I can. These ones gave me a good Mega City vibe. I might start adding some street marking and such to the next bunch, though I'm always conscious of the bases getting overly busy.

This week, Sov Judge Officer Pashkov joins the ranks of the East Meg One judiciary. I haven't painted a human face in a while, so I enjoyed painted Pashkov's features immensely. I made him slightly haggard, as he is on active duty on the front lines after all. All that stress, and the possibility of running into Dredd would make anyone prematurely grey.

This week's Judgement Day offering is one of my favourite bad guys from Judge Dredd, Orlok the assassin. Orlok was an East Meg One agent who poisoned the water supply of Mega City One, leading to the mass outbreak of block mania, the precursor to the Sov invasion. He also killed Judge Giant. Yes, Orlok is a massive jerk, but he's one of the few who can go toe to toe with Dredd in a fist fight. A must have for a Sov collection really.

I went for a pretty modern looking scheme, with a worn leather jacket and boots, black trousers and gloves. I put most of my time into the face. Orlok has a very distinctive scar, and I accentuated it a tad to make it more of a point of interest. As the gear is very modern day, (If we ignore the rolled up sleeves. Orlok is so hard he can roll up leather sleeves.) I also added the smashed Judge's helmet to anchor him back into the Judge Dredd universe.
Whoops, I forgot to update the forum when I posted #15 on my blog. I was rather busy that weekend (good busy, international toy soldier gaming sort of busy, but busy nonetheless) and neglected the forum.

#15 Judge Fear Spirit Form

Its a small contribution this time, the spirit form of Judge Fear that shows up when the reanimated corpse that he occupies is destroyed.


The model is small and simple but nicely formed I think and it was easy to get it painted fairly fast. I havent painted that ectoplasmic green g-g-g-ghost effect before, but I am fairly pleased with how it turned out.

The Judge Fear Spirit Form blog post is here.

Im really looking forward to seeing Orlok in hand Mr S, the more restrained colour scheme makes lots of sense.


Today's Judgement Day submission is the Karpov MF7 Sentenoid. Deployed to support the Sov invasion of Mega City One, this robot was a mainstay of the Sov forces during the Apocalypse War, one electrocuted Mega City One judge at a time.


I've been ticking away at the Sentenoid for a while now. It comes in eleven parts, and I pinned the hell out of it. It required minimal clean-up. It's attached to the base by only two of the four legs, so pinning was the only way. I wanted to go nuts on the base too. The Sentenoid takes up very little of the actual base, so I had plenty of room for a dead Mega City One judge and some Apocalypse War paraphernalia. The truly devoted might recognise the leaflets scattered about the base.


It's a very nice model when it's all together, and surprisingly large. I also tried out AK Interactive's Fuel Stain effect on some of the vents and such. It's a nice oily, glossy finish. A little hard to see on the photos, but it adds another level of interest to the model. They are oil-based, but that's no real impediment. They do a great range, so well worth checking out.

With the Sentenoid finished, that completes the Sov Invasion box minis. Here's the whole gang:


There's only one more Sov left in my radar now, the main man himself. I've been looking forward to getting a brush at him for some time now.
#19 Renegade Servo-Droid

A quick one today, a former services industry employee turned rebel.


I decided to go for a less industrial scheme on this guy compared to the more obviously industrial robots on the set. I intend to match this colour scheme with some unarmed menial robots at a later date.

I used the same colour scheme on the gun as on the other Renegades. I imagine that they hijacked an arms shipment at some earlier point as I like the little thread of consistency that the consistent weapon colour brings.


The blog post is here. Mr Saturday will have another submission next week.
Oops, I seem to have forogtten to update this one last time with Judge Mortis Spirit form too.

#17 Judge Mortis Spirit Form


A small submission, but one that I get a kick out of, even if the pastels and the way that the model is sculpted make notions of My Little Pony come to mind...

The blog post is here.
This week, to conclude my East Meg One project I give you the main man himself, War Marshal Kazan.


Kazan is a pretty hilarious mini, for a murderous dictator. He's sending everyone to Siberia with that finger. Everyone. The sculpt is a fair bit more buff than the character in the comic, and that moustache...

Apparently Carlos Ezquerra (the artist who worked on the Apocalypse War series) gave him that little moustache as it was quite popular with fascists during the Franco years in Spain. It gave him a chuckle, as it gave me one when I was painting it. The tache, the weird shades, the white crew-cut, he's just fabulous, and manages to totally pull it off. The fact that he's a total bastard helps his cred too. I can't wait to get him on the gaming table.

With Kazan finished, that concludes my East Meg One project. I now have a hearty group of Sovs, enough to give me options when picking a force. There are at least two new Sov minis coming down the line, which I will certainly be adding to the collection once they are released. For now though, here's the whole gang.

Its the next 25% of the Dark Judge spirit forms from me today, being the big cheese himself, Judge Death.

#21 Judge Death Spirit Form


The spirit forms of the Dark Judges are iconic, so its nice to be getting these guys finished and ready to game with.


Judge Fires floating head will be along in not too long. Mr Saturday will be posting next Monday as usual.

The Judge Death Spirit Form blog post is here.

Thanks for looking :)
#23 Judge Fire Spirit Form


This is the last of the Dark Judge spirit forms painted, which is very satisfying. The flame effect is a little bit comic book, not hugely authentic looking I reckon, but its an adequate swing at a difficult subject all the same.


I get a kick out of having the four of those painted. Im ten years old again in some small way :)

The associated blog post is here.

Thanks for looking!

This week sees something of a red letter day in my submissions for Judgement Day. An actual judge. It was a real treat painting him, and seeing the familiar colours of the Mega City One judiciary come together as the paint went on only added to the enjoyment. I see a lot more judges in my painting future. I may even give old stoney-face himself a go.

Judge Williams here is not the most by-the-book judge, but several commendations for insane bravery have kept him off the Titan shuttle. He is currently kicking his heels as Bruce Campbell block judge, and it time he will lead an Apocalypse War resistance unit with the BC Block Citi-Def. His faithful boomsti... I mean lawrod will come in handy. It'll be...


This also defines my approach to any zombies for Judgement Day. It's deadites all round.
They all look cracking!

I used to use those bases for some of my models. With a bit of care you can glue a small piece of paper onto the newspaper on the Sentenoid and Sov Judge Officer. I used the front page of the Daily Record, but perhaps a page from 2000AD would be more appropriate here? :)
From me this week, it's private Raimi, from the Bruce Campbell block Citi-Def.


I agonised and procrastinated over the colour scheme for these guys, finding, in the end, some photos of American riot police and early 20th century American football gear that gave me some ideas. I've made Raimi a little haggard, as I enjoy painting haggard faces, and I've set this group up as an Apocalypse War resistance unit to face off against my Sovs. The rest of the Citi-Def boxed set has some nice sculpts in there, and now I've settled on a scheme I'm rather keen to do some more.

Mr Saturday and I have agreed to take a short break from the Judgement Day project. With various other commitments at this time of year, we reckon that February first is a good time to pick things up, so Judgement Day #35 will be posted on that date.

I put a slideshow in the associated blog post, so if you are inclined to see all of the submissions to date in one place then click HERE

Hopefully you will join us in February for more 28mm Dredd.

Thanks for your enthusiasm for the project in 2015!