Jeremiah RPG Info?


I Will most likely buy this some time in the next 2 months, but like all the products I buy I'd like to know more. Can someone who has the book give us a more comprehensive review than what already exists. How many classes are there? What are the classes? Any Prestige Classes? What unusual game systems have been added for this setting? How comprehensive is the game world chapter? Does it feature any maps, a Gazateer? What about a bestiary?.

I noticed that there is a sourcebook coming out, Thunder Mountain. Does Mongoose plan to support Jeremiah to any degree past Thunder Mountain and not including the odd S@P article?

I'm pretty new to Jeremiah and haven't seen all the shows yet. I believe there was a second season done, right? Are any more seasons planned or has it been cancelled?

There is more info in this thread:

There was indeed a second series of 13 episodes. There is an episode guide in the RPG.

There is a 20 page section covering the world - though it largely focuses on the US.

I hope that helps.
FuryMaster said:
...or has it been cancelled?
Yes - indeed, it was cancelled. However, take solice that the series had two seasons to provide some highly engaging plotlines, characters and morale dilemmas - plenty to pepper your Jeremiah campaign with.
Great! Thanks for the info/links guys.

What about classes and Prestige Classes. I assume it doesn't use the fantassy classes, does it use d20 modern or a complete new set of classes? If it does use new classes/prestige classes, can you list their names. Thanks
Basic classes:
Brain Boy

Advanced classes:
Con Artist

Some are modifications of D20 Modern classes, others are new.
Thanks Greg, that list wets my appetite...I think this will be on my list for next month....I just ordered the First season DVD from Amazon. Those classes sound pretty cool. You say that some of the classes are d20 modern modifications, does this mean that the talent system is used?

Good Stuff
now I sit here and wait - my friend that manages a rpg/comic book store phoned me a couple days ago - apparently my copy of the game arrives next week.
I got my copy of the first season of Jeremiah on DVD yesterday. I watched the first 3 episodes. I also ordered my copy of Jeremiah RPG from the LGS, I also ordered Thunder Mountain. I look forward to some more indepth conversations when I get my hands on them.
One thing i've noticed from watching my DVD collection is that everyone seems to have some kind of derangement, whether mild or more pronounced, everyone is skrewed up. And who wouldn't be after watching 6 billion people die and then surviving in a dog eat dog world that has regressed into the dark ages.

What I am curious about is whether the rpg has a game system for derangements. I think all player characters should have at least 1 derangement.
lastbesthope said:
Saw Jeremiah and Thunder Mountain in my FLGS today. Slightly tempting but I'm loathe to buy it until I see the show.


Yet another incentive to watch the show. :)

I'm getting mine on Monday, as long as I'm a good boy and I manage to churn out the 1st draft of my essay by tomorrow evening. :roll:

*sigh* I'm holding my copy of Jeremiah: Thunder Mountain and I must admit - it sure is nice to see my name as a 'contributing writer'
