I will have to re-read up on all of the relevant Feats that should influence Fear/ Terror saves, to see how much they influence things.
I like it when the PC's have the active choice as to whether or not they should still engage a potentially horrific opponent(s). They should also be aware of any particular racial/ cultural superstitions or phobias. Conversely, there may be some types of opponents that incite 'natural' animosity ...IE: Large nasty snakes (Esp. the unnatural/ magical kinds!) for a fanatical Priest of Ibis, etc.
The levels for failing the save could be:
Unnerved: -1 on all general actions, -2 on all combat actions except defensive in nature. May not initiate melee combat or approach closer to enemy unless he/she passes a Will save v's DC 5 + 1/ die of the creatures hit dice or per level in excess of characters level for humans. May still use distance missile weapons, or sorcery.
Shaken : -2 on all general actions, -4 to combat actions. May not willingly engage in combat unless defensive/ protective. Will remain in current cover, or seek cover if in the open, and may not close distance to the foe unless character makes a Will save vs DC 10 + the modifiers above.
Frightened : -4 to all actions of any kind (except movement). May not provoke attacks including use of missiles against foe. May use defensive skills and sorcery. Concerntration check at -2 to cast spells or perform certain tasks (writing a message for example). Must make a Will save v's DC 10 + modifiers as above, to remain at current distance from the foe, or withdraw one full half move action, facing the enemy if desired.
Terrorized : -6 to all actions (Movement unaffected). Must flee to a 'safe' distance, as per Terror of the Unknown effect. May not use missiles, and will make move actions until within defensive cover (A castle, building, thick forest, behind a sealed door, etc). Will flee facing away from the enemy until they pass Will save vs DC 15 + morale modifiers above, etc - or continue flight until foe cannot be seen/heard as in Terror of the Unknown.
Relevant Feats that affect these morale states are: Iron Will and Demon Killer. Has Anyone found any others (Like from AE for example?). How about 'Will of Steel' as an addition ? As per Iron Will, but gives a +4 save bonus to all Will saves.
Those with Iron Will cannot be Unnerved, and with Will of Steel cannot be Shaken. Each positive Will save upgrades the morale state to one level better.
Someone who is affected by any negative morale status, as listed above, may not use the Intimidate skill, until stabilized (normal)
Sorcerors with Corruption Points may add them as a positive modifier into any encounter with a creature that is 'aligned' with them. The morale save does not affect a sorceror interacting with a Demonic entity or creation with which he/she has a current pact with. It may be relevant however, if the pact has been broken ...
Any sugestions or modifications???