I Had it in my Hand. . .


Staff member
I had a dream. . .

No, seriously, I did, last weekend, about Crusade.

In this dream, I saw Bester, a new Shadow-type creature and all sorts of other bits and bobs. Most importantly, however, I saw the end. How Crusade would go, what would happen and how it would all be tied up. I saw it all, stretching before me.

Could I remember it when I woke up? Could I hell!

I swear, the only thing I could remember was one tiny phrase - which I won;t share, because it might actually get used.


So, anyone else have a B5 dream, or am I just working way too hard? :)
Did you wake up with anything clamped upon your right shoulder, perchance?

Maybe you should try heavier drinking.
All the time boss, all the time...

The most vivid was way back when I was getting Birth of Heroes started, and I saw myself in a set of shoes that is pretty minor to the plot...but I was watching a particular scene unfold from a different angle.

It was weird and rather surreal.

But I totally understand where you are coming from, where you really wish you could instantly write down everything you saw and felt but know that it isn't going to be as perfect as the dream. Or worse, that you are not going to be able to re-tell it as perfectly as you saw it first hand.

I'm right there with you Matthew.


Run, don't walk, to the nearest Psi Corps offices and have them extract the dream from your subconscious memory!

msprange said:
So, anyone else have a B5 dream, or am I just working way too hard? :)

indeed I have, though it involved Claudia Christian, baby lotion and um..well its probably best if it wasn't posted here :oops: :lol:

But suffice to say I had it in my hand too LOL :lol:

On a less flustered note however.. I actually keep a notebook and a pen by the side of my bed as many of my best ideas and most creative notions have come into my head just as im drifting off to sleep or waking up.

It pays to be prepared as you never can tell when your creative muse will grace you with its wisdom :)
msprange said:
So, anyone else have a B5 dream, or am I just working way too hard? :)
I once dreamed I was on the station. I don't remember what I did, I think it was just your ordinary run of the mill dream crazyness, but I do remember that I beat the crap out of Londo Mollari. I was really angry and I don't know if it was something he did in the dream or something he did in the series. :p

Dr Goth
Perhaps if you offered supplication to Mr. Garibaldi's icon of the Egyptian god of frustration you could remember?
Nerroth said:

You must be confused - it's now the Bureau of Telepathic Integration.

Well actually it's neither yet as the Bureau post dates the Corps and the Corps isn't founded until 2161....


EDIT April 12th if I remember correctly
Mine are usually about HackMaster or miniatures or, when feverish, trays.
The gaming dreams sometimes help me write, especially the ones on the twilight edge between conscious and subconscious such as when dead-dog tired and trying to slep or waking dreams in the morning (I generally am the most loquicious around 2am :wink: )

When a person's mind gets all too tied up due to focus it is not uncommon for the subconscious to try and unwind it a little. Record as much as you can remember as it may come in handy one day. :)

coauthor of "Lord Flataroy's Guide to Fortifications"
I had a dream..... it was on a Worlock ..... cant remember what since i was rudley awaken by someone dropping my alarm clock on the floor this morning at 2 AM
Shadow Queen said:
I had a dream..... it was on a Worlock ..... cant remember what since i was rudley awaken by someone dropping my alarm clock on the floor this morning at 2 AM


A burglar? Your boyfriend/husband/one-night-stand? Your cat? LBH? :lol:
Greg Smith said:
Shadow Queen said:
I had a dream..... it was on a Worlock ..... cant remember what since i was rudley awaken by someone dropping my alarm clock on the floor this morning at 2 AM


A burglar? Your boyfriend/husband/one-night-stand? Your cat? LBH? :lol:

my boyfriend I think he needed the Bathroom
And just before anyone starts wondering, SQ's boyfriend and myself are two very different and seperate entities.

Shame on you Greg!
