Hyborian or not?

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Hi Chummers!
One Question: In the Conan Comics Red Sonja appears many times, but I I`ve never read a Conan Story by REH with her. Somewhere I`ve read she is a character in a medieval story. So, does she appear in a Hyborian story or not? And will there be stats of her in a Mongoose product?
I think she is a cool NPC Character...

so long,
I was about to tell you to visit Vincent Darlage's website, where he did a wonderful job converting Conan and Red Sonja to the d20 System (with detailed background), but it seems to be offline for now : http://enworld.cyberstreet.com/hosted/adilbrand/conan.htm
Red Sonja is a comic character derived from Howard's non-Hyborian stories; so maybe you can call her a semi-pastiche character :wink:
Red Sonja said:
Hi Chummers!
One Question: In the Conan Comics Red Sonja appears many times, but I I`ve never read a Conan Story by REH with her. Somewhere I`ve read she is a character in a medieval story. So, does she appear in a Hyborian story or not? And will there be stats of her in a Mongoose product?
I think she is a cool NPC Character...

so long,

Red Sonja is a mixture of Robert E. Howard's Red Sonya of Rogatine (from "Shadow of the Vulture", a non-Hyborian age story) and Roy Thomas' imagination. So she is semi-pastiche.

She is a Hyrkanian, so she is not Hyborian anyway. She is owned by a different company than the one that owns Conan (I think), so I doubt you will see official stats of her.

I made up some d20 stats for her, though, here: http://enworld.org/Inzeladun/conan/redsonja/sonja.htm
BTW, anyone interested in the future of Red Sonja may want to check out the following;
Of all the Non-hyborian races to be, she had to be Hyrkainian! As if the psuedo mongol race is known for its abundance of Vanir- red-headed, 6 foot tall, chain mail bikini, sword wielding hotties. Arghhhhh!

Pastiche writers, if yopu don't do your research, go french kiss a lightsocket.
Hi Chummers and thanks for the coments...At the Weekend I read the ROAD OF KINGS, and in a few chapters (Argos) Red Sonja is mentioned. So, even in the MOngooseConan world she exists. I still think official stats would be cool (allthough the homebreed stats from the linked page are a great help).

Have You guys ever played Neverwinter Nights? On the homepage you cab download a very good module named "Hyborian Age Part I". Makes a lot of fun...they even icluded the Soundtrack from the Movie!
Another Question...
A few weeks ago I read two Red Sonja novels by D.C.Smith & R.L. Tierny. Have You Mongoose Guys used this stuff for your books? Because I did`nt found the towns described in the novels in ROAD OF KINGS etc..
I do not miss them, because the towns are too big (200.000 people)...BUT: in the Shadizar box is mentioned a Vos Fort and that sounds like the Fort in Red Sonja2: Demon Night. Is this the only RS novel thing You used?
VincentDarlage said:
I don't have the Red Sonja novels, so I don't have access to the information in them - however, I do have all the Red Sonja comics.

I believe I have all the RS novels, but haven't read them - I'd be willing to loan them to you if you're interested, given your research and inclusion of pastiche info to develop Conan products.