Huh? tantawhat?

Well theres actually two sides to this medal (ship, its a ship i know :p):

Its just a kitbash, we all could do that one. But then wed have half an Omega and half a Poseidon (Producing yet another kitbash???).

Its some quick fodder for gamers, to see something new (Wait didnt they ust launch the Paks?) without alot of work involved (No new moulds yay?).

It fills a nice role in the fleet (wait a moment EA again???).

So i guess its ok, but i dont really see a reason to bring one out currently....
Dont see anything wrong with it personally, look at the similarities between the Nova and Omega. Reusing/expanding/converting existing hulls is perfectly plausible.

Would also point out there are a lot of other space mini games which have done the same thing, Full Thrust and BFG to name a few.

Ok it didnt take much effort, but as Mongoose dont have staff figure designers (I believe) I think its a worthwhile alternative.
Personally, I don't like the look of it. Something just doesn't sit right with me.

But as for how it's been done, I've been kitbashing stuff together for years out of my bits box, often with great success to the point that people are asking me to make them one too.
Kitbashing is often just a flash of inspiration and doesn't take much time at all. Mongoose already have all the necessary components for the Tantalus sitting about, so I don't see this detracting from any other part of the game/production process at all.

I'm eager to see more works like this, but hopefully other races will get ships too, and not just fan jobs like Hash' Centauri mini.
Hash said:
That Tanta-thingy looks it just made up of different sections of other ships?

Looks like it: an Omega rear section and some Poseidon bits up front.

Before anyone complains, keep in mind that a lot of gamers complain when new ships don't look like they're based off the old (and canon) designs... THis is an example of giving us what many of us want!

(To me it's a one-off... I wouldn't mind having one of them.)
It fills a gap in the ACTA releas schedule while they prepare for new (or recast) stuff.

It ain't prettyy. Kind of remind me of some of these:
Celisasu said:
Next we'll have the Horrorperion. It'll be a pair of Hyperions with a nail jammed between them.

Well, isn´t the Raiders dreadnought fro Armageddon supposed to be two Novas nailed together?

But I like "Horrorperion"! :D
I have EA, lots and lots of EA... I find it to be one of the more challenging fleets to play, they do not have obvious strenghts and against good oponents their weaknesses show very fast, so you have to think very well about your strategy!!

And I have a fleet box of Vorlons, they play prety straightforward not much tacktics there...

The new ship isn't actaully apealing... But I probably buy one just for the sake of having them all once at least! :?
The Tantalus follows the usual EA design philosophy. Big, grey and ugly :wink:

The EA could do with a dedicated assault ship now that the Hyperion variant has had it's troop complement cut down. I don't see many people using one in a one-off game but it could be very useful in a campaign.

Don't know if I'll pick one up myself, at least for a while, there's so many new ships for my fleets (EA and Brakiri esp.) on the way not to mention new rules sets for both ACTA and SST that I'll need to be more picky than usual. More so now that the Omega, Hyperion and Olympus are due for remolding.
sorry is not the tread thema, but...
i like this ship. looks very similar to the marathon,or? :wink:
a nice, new inspiration for me. :lol:
I'm not wild about the design itself but the ship certainly fills a hole in the EA fleet. The only thing that worries me about kitbash designs like this is that they have a tendency to linger. 10-20 years from now B5 games are going to have to include the thing and use the quickie design or get caught up in the whole continuity debate.
