How large is your campaign space?

How large is your campaign space?

  • Less than a Subsector

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Subsector

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Quadrant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sector

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More than a Sector

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Cosmic Mongoose
How large an area of space does your campaign encompass? Do you play in one solar system, a subsector, a quadrant, a sector or even a greater area?
I'm expecting to stay in District 268 for the time being. Who knows if the players go elsewhere. This is a completely untested group (save one, and she likes pulling stuff out of left field).
I'll run my group through 2 sectors (and 2 subsectors) to start . SM (Darrian) and then to the Foreven area (Reidain) but then who knows where they'll go from there.

Currently I've 2 locals ready to go, and I'll ask for more tomorrow.

At a certain stage I've got to stop planning and actually put it into play...

Take care

E. Herdan
I've really mapped out Vilis and that's where our adventures have been since April. While the PCs had no starship, I was going for 2 scenarios per world, before they jumped to another. On Fenzie they spent an entire year in game time, running jobs, and hiring mining cutters to prospect asteroids. They are currently in jump coming back from Quare (IMTU like Mars in Total Recall) on their way to Vilis to sell 3 on of crystals.

I've got illustrations of all the worlds from space, illustrations of cities, types of transport, and always some pictures of the landscape and surface. I want them to get to know the subsectoir well. The types of adventures I run won't change if they go elsewhere, so they may as well stay and get to know the subsector like a local... :)
Usually no more than a Quadrant with an eye to what is happening in a particular Sector. However, I gradually give them the feel for all of Chartered Space.
Well currently I have about a J6 map worth of mapped-out systems.

But I have basically abandoned the whole sebsector/sector layout for mapping systems.

I'm using a unnumbered hex sheet in CCpro for the map and a Spreadsheet for the data base. With Cartesian coordinates.
So far we have stayed in 268, but they are on the way to Glisten. Most likely after that they will probably head out to Sword worlds.
While initially, the campaign will be played only within the Aramis subsector, but once The Traveller Adventure is completed, will be pushing out across the rest of the SM sector. No thoughts of going beyond that as yet.

I voted Sector becacause for over the past 20+ yrs my home grown campaign has been based out of the Verge Sector. Actually back in 1984 I bought GDW (Game Designer's Workchop) "The Atlas of the Imperium" and have used it ever since. Good old page 19, and all it was is just the systems, with the type of star port and a few so names systems. The rest I created like UWP's almost from scratch.

I'm just about to start my first campaign in years.

I have put a lot of detail into the starting subsector and a reasonable amount into the subsectors that border this one.

The rest of the sector is scetched out - hopefully the players will find the starting area interesting enough to give me time to flesh out the rest.
Whenever I get around to running my own campaign, I'm using the MGT hyperdrive rules (modified so that they are the same size as Jump drives) and the old GURPS Space Atlas maps. It'll probably have the same amount of listed worlds as an OTU subsector but be more spread out, therefore called a sector.
I most recently used one quadrant of Daibei. With one exception, a courier mission, the group stayed in the quadrant for the entire campaign.
In my normal Traveller Game I use my version of the Banners Sector but most of the action is set in 4 of the subsectors.
Quadrants were introduced in T20. Quadrants are four subsectors, or one quarter of a sector. While quadrants can be any set of four subsectors, the intended arrangements are:
Quadrant Alpha: Subsectors A, B, E, F
Quadrant Beta: Subsectors C, D, G, H
Quadrant Gamma: Subsectors I, J, M, N
Quadrant Delta: Subsectors K, L, O, P
I'm pretty sure that in CT a Quadrant was another name for a Sector for example the Ustral Quadrant is a sector adjacent to the Dark Nebula sector. A group of 4 subsectors did not have a special name since they were not an administrative or government grouping used by the Imperium.
Skaran said:
I'm pretty sure that in CT a Quadrant was another name for a Sector for example the Ustral Quadrant is a sector adjacent to the Dark Nebula sector. A group of 4 subsectors did not have a special name since they were not an administrative or government grouping used by the Imperium.
Nah. In CT there was no such thing as a "Quadrant". (Heck, there might not have even been a "Domain" yet!) There might have been a sector named "Something Quadrant", but that would have just been a name, not a mapping concept.

T20 introduced the "Quadrant" as a mapping concept. It was intended to be used to provide a good compromise area for a large campaign so that you had the main campaign in one area of the quadrant, then surrounded it with a buffer that was small enough to have good detail without going nuts on something as large as a sector.

Honestly, while I don't think it was a necessary addition to Traveller, it is a useful addition. It seems to work pretty well.
From CTs Library Data (N-Z)
"Sectors are named, and several synonyms are in use, including march (or marches). region, reach (or reaches), quadrant, and matrix. The Spinward Marches, for example, is a sector."

(Not that it bothers me in the slightest, but I knew I had read it somewhere in the CT materials)