Hot MI on MI Action? (Battles VS same army)


I wonder, does anyone here have a story to tell about a game that had MI VS MI, Skinnies VS Skinnies, or Bugs VS Bugs? While the fluff for such a battle may be problematic, I am interested in how the game went.
Jalinth said:
I wonder, does anyone here have a story to tell about a game that had MI VS MI, Skinnies VS Skinnies, or Bugs VS Bugs? While the fluff for such a battle may be problematic, I am interested in how the game went.

Never seen any battles, but fluff isn't so hard. MI in training with "nonlethal" weaponry as per the movie, and according to some old comic the bugs kill each other is a massive free-for-all while competing for mates.

In the background for the little campaign I am running, I have three seperate Skinny factions, who are all basically fighting each other, and just incidentally happen to be fighting the MI and Bugs in the area. Yous ee, there was this salve revolt, and the successful revolters fled to this little backwater planet, and this Lord chased them there becasue they had seriously hurt his standing in the Hegemony, and when he got there like half of his accompanying Raiders sided with one of their officers, so we have a Leader-of-Slaves army, a Lord army, and a Tyrant army all running around preying on each other and the local Federation colony.
We played a few games with MI vs. MI at the playtest day on saturday last. It doesn't marry very well with the existing rules - both cases it was Pathfinders vs. CAP troopers and CHAS, and both times the Pathfinders won, though it could easily have gone either way on the dice. Had pathfinders gotten their extra benefits (dodge save, reaver missiles etc.) they would've been far more advantaged. Also, pathfinders had snipers whereas caps did not, so I had the chance to eliminated sergeants pretty freely.

Pathfinders won out basically on use of cover to get their rerolls, and that's all. Also, very lucky shooting - shredders are very nasty weapons.

The MI really aren't built to take damage, but are very good at rolling lots of dice. A cap trooper is easier to shoot than a warrior, and each MI trooper can basically stand a good chance of forcing 2 armour saves on a cap trooper for every 1 it might force on a warrior (4+ to hit vs. 5+).

Fluff wise I think it'd be easy to set up a battle between MI - either it's training, or you can imagine lots of Colonel Kurtz scenarios where some elite pathfinders have gone rogue, and the MI have to hunt them down.
Played game of MI vs MI in ropecon's tournament on august. With terrain being salt desert quite literally(white board with practically no terrain) it was darn bloody with models dying left right and center.

MI does not survive when MI shoots them :D
These sorts of same army battles happens all the time in tournaments. There is always a victor and usually it comes down to dice.
Dice, but also use of terrain. If you can effectively deny your enemy the chances to shoot at you effectively, then you'll win.
Alexb83 said:
Dice, but also use of terrain. If you can effectively deny your enemy the chances to shoot at you effectively, then you'll win.

Good point... but the same terrain you're hiding behind can hinder line of sight... which is necessary for many actions.

But yeah, dice and terrain.

The one combination I've never seen is two identical armies played against each other by two different players. I've seen many different combinations of MI vs. MI with Exos kicking the snot out of Cap Troopers and Tankers laying waste to Warriors... but never King vs. King or Exo vs. Exo!
Line of sight is a two way street.

Something that bugs me is that if boths sides loose thier officers all they can do is stare at each other, even if they are 2" away.
Wel with MI vs MI you can either go with training battles or with the Fed's vs the Black Cross/breakaway colony.
i did a LAMI vs Exosuit and CAP trooper battle, it was a slaughter on both sides, the exosuits where reaping a toll, while the CAPs dropped like flys :lol:
byram said:
i did a LAMI vs Exosuit and CAP trooper battle, it was a slaughter on both sides, the exosuits where reaping a toll, while the CAPs dropped like flys :lol:
Cool, I'd always wanted to play an MI vs MI game, though I might get a chance with anyin in a few months (UNSC battlegroup vs Black cross), I want to paint up my army first...

As for the title, I bet that got some perverts opening it lol
At my local store, most of us play MI. MI v. MI can be fine, its when you have LAMI v LAMI or Exos v Exos that the game gets long and difficult.
Kristovich said:
Line of sight is a two way street.
I think it'll turn out on lurking each other and waiting for faults (like the enemy spreading his army to enable you to eradicate one Squad without getting hurt too much in return).
Or long range sniping ^^ And certainly a lot of carefull use of cover.

Anyhow this requires about as much thinking as playing vs Skinnies, or little more than against shooter-heavy bugs.