Here's all the ones I could come up with.
Cragspider and Isidilian the Wise (the Dwarf of Dwarf Run). Both of them have been around since the Dawn I think.
Ironhoof was created by the EWF, right?
Alakoring Dragonslayer obviously.
The Only Old One, though he's under the thumb of the EWF, more or less.
Ethelrist of the Black Horse Troop would be alive and active, I think, but elsewhere. Maybe in Ralios?
The Orlanthi guy who breaks up Machine City and creates the Clanking Ruin. Name escapes me.
There's a Ralian Orlanthi named Aringor who did the Lightbringer Quest against the God Learners.
Balazar is alive at the end of the Age.
Delecti would still be alive and probably called something else and be prominent in the EWF.
Gorangi Vak, the Skybull tamer is supposed to be Second Age.
Jaldon Toothmaker helps kick EWF ass, eventually.
I think Li Phanquann, the undead fighting Humakti, was EWF era.
The God Learners resurrect Ralzakark, idiots.
Zzabur is around, not that anyone will ever see him.
There's a great list of Gloranthan heroes here:
Several other folks are mentioned as being active in the second age.