Hi all,
I play a Soldier who's just made level 3 (*ding*ed 3 at the end of last adventure so im not commited to anything yet).
My primary role (currently) in the group is to facilitate others damage through the Disarm feat and so forcing other into provoking attacks of opertunity for our super-strong Barbarian, tankish Soldier and backstabbing Thief.
Its working really well right now, being such as a low level every one round my disarmed target is getting a free attack ... which to us low levelers is like getting DOUBLE the amounts of attacks per round it also totaly nerfs a foes damage output so its a double boon.
My (quite nice) stats fell like this:
Str: 8 <------ DAMN!
Dex: 16
Con: 16
Int: 13
Wiz: 14
Cha: 6 <------ Double DAMN!
Im using:
Finessed War Sword (2 handed)
Mail Hauberk (i thing thats whats its called its +6DR)
Visored Helm
My current feats are:
Combat Expertese
Improved Disarm
My parry is a pitiful: 10
My Dodge is an OK: 15 that upps to 18 when i use Combat Exp fully
And my Damage Reduction is 8.
Upto level 2 i was doing well by using combat exp' to gain +2 defence and still having +11 to disarm (+4 for using 2 handed weapon, +4 from feat, + 2 base attack +3 dex - 2 combat exp' penalty).
So my question is where should i go at level 3?
I have contemplated staying soldier so i can get more feats like Improved Trip & Combat relexes.
Or going Theif for the sneak attack and skills that will benefit from my high dex and reasonable int.
Any advice on skills, feats and carrer paths would be great.
I play a Soldier who's just made level 3 (*ding*ed 3 at the end of last adventure so im not commited to anything yet).
My primary role (currently) in the group is to facilitate others damage through the Disarm feat and so forcing other into provoking attacks of opertunity for our super-strong Barbarian, tankish Soldier and backstabbing Thief.
Its working really well right now, being such as a low level every one round my disarmed target is getting a free attack ... which to us low levelers is like getting DOUBLE the amounts of attacks per round it also totaly nerfs a foes damage output so its a double boon.
My (quite nice) stats fell like this:
Str: 8 <------ DAMN!
Dex: 16
Con: 16
Int: 13
Wiz: 14
Cha: 6 <------ Double DAMN!
Im using:
Finessed War Sword (2 handed)
Mail Hauberk (i thing thats whats its called its +6DR)
Visored Helm
My current feats are:
Combat Expertese
Improved Disarm
My parry is a pitiful: 10
My Dodge is an OK: 15 that upps to 18 when i use Combat Exp fully
And my Damage Reduction is 8.
Upto level 2 i was doing well by using combat exp' to gain +2 defence and still having +11 to disarm (+4 for using 2 handed weapon, +4 from feat, + 2 base attack +3 dex - 2 combat exp' penalty).
So my question is where should i go at level 3?
I have contemplated staying soldier so i can get more feats like Improved Trip & Combat relexes.
Or going Theif for the sneak attack and skills that will benefit from my high dex and reasonable int.
Any advice on skills, feats and carrer paths would be great.