Heat Problem vs Stealth in Space

Sigtrygg said:
Check out the Library Data in research Station Gamma concerning Imperial Research Stations, it's repeated in CT LD A-M.
Imperial research may delve into many areas. Some examples include black hole
research, both large-scale and mini-black hole investigation, instantaneous transmitter
development (so far proving impossible), advanced gravity manipulation,
genetic manipulation, anti-matter containment, weaponry research, disintegrator
beams, black globe development, deep planetary core soundings, nova prevention
(and prediction), psychohistory, mass population behavior prediction, psionics,
stable superheavy elements, deep radar analysis, long-range detection systems,
robotics, artificial intelligence, stasis and time travel, so-called magic, cryptography,
bionics, personal shields, x-ray lasers, and high temperature superconductors
Note I am being generous here since a high temperature superconductor is still way bellow room temperature...
and I agree that a room temperature superconductor is a much more 'realistically' possible breakthrough than fusion+


Just looking over that list... Aren't ;Black Globes, genetic manipulation, psychohistory, mass population behavior prediction, Psionic Institutes, robotics, stasis (Low Berth), bionics, and x-ray lasers, already a thing and already existing in Charted Space in general, as well as within the 3I specifically at TL-15?
Sigtrygg said:
Check out the Library Data in research Station Gamma concerning Imperial Research Stations, it's repeated in CT LD A-M.
Imperial research may delve into many areas. Some examples include black hole
research, both large-scale and mini-black hole investigation, instantaneous transmitter
development (so far proving impossible), advanced gravity manipulation,
genetic manipulation, anti-matter containment, weaponry research, disintegrator
beams, black globe development, deep planetary core soundings, nova prevention
(and prediction), psychohistory, mass population behavior prediction, psionics,
stable superheavy elements, deep radar analysis, long-range detection systems,
robotics, artificial intelligence, stasis and time travel, so-called magic, cryptography,
bionics, personal shields, x-ray lasers, and high temperature superconductors
Note I am being generous here since a high temperature superconductor is still way bellow room temperature...
and I agree that a room temperature superconductor is a much more 'realistically' possible breakthrough than fusion+

In the 70's High temperature superconductors were way below room temperature. With tech being a potential logarithmic function, who is to say that they aren't researching superconductors as liners of a fusion reaction chamber.
MasterGwydion said:
Sigtrygg said:
Check out the Library Data in research Station Gamma concerning Imperial Research Stations, it's repeated in CT LD A-M.
Imperial research may delve into many areas. Some examples include black hole
research, both large-scale and mini-black hole investigation, instantaneous transmitter
development (so far proving impossible), advanced gravity manipulation,
genetic manipulation, anti-matter containment, weaponry research, disintegrator
beams, black globe development, deep planetary core soundings, nova prevention
(and prediction), psychohistory, mass population behavior prediction, psionics,
stable superheavy elements, deep radar analysis, long-range detection systems,
robotics, artificial intelligence, stasis and time travel, so-called magic, cryptography,
bionics, personal shields, x-ray lasers, and high temperature superconductors
Note I am being generous here since a high temperature superconductor is still way bellow room temperature...
and I agree that a room temperature superconductor is a much more 'realistically' possible breakthrough than fusion+


Just looking over that list... Aren't ;Black Globes, genetic manipulation, psychohistory, mass population behavior prediction, Psionic Institutes, robotics, stasis (Low Berth), bionics, and x-ray lasers, already a thing and already existing in Charted Space in general, as well as within the 3I specifically at TL-15?
It used to be that BGGs were either relics or prototypes.
That would make black globes technological level sixteen.

But I believe they are available starting technological level fifteen, and it seems to have been more of a case of reverse engineering, which made them prototypes.

The Imperium may have worked out the bugs, by now.
Within the Third Imperium setting black globes are discovered Ancient artifacts, and a very basic model can be reverse engineered at TL15 which gains in capability as the TLs advance.

Meta game the factor 1-4 black globes are TL15,
Black globe generators are not available commercially; they are recovered
artifacts installed on a makeshift basis or experimental versions installed on tech
level 15 Imperial warships. The force field table shows the USP code. tech level,
tonnage, and price required. Black globes have no energy point cost. Devices shown
at tech level 15 are used by the Imperium; those at higher tech levels are shown for
The acquisition of any black globe generator is probably the result of a lucky
find on the part of a government, individual, or corporation.{/quote]
Sigtrygg said:
Within the Third Imperium setting black globes are discovered Ancient artifacts, and a very basic model can be reverse engineered at TL15 which gains in capability as the TLs advance.

Meta game the factor 1-4 black globes are TL15,
Black globe generators are not available commercially; they are recovered
artifacts installed on a makeshift basis or experimental versions installed on tech
level 15 Imperial warships. The force field table shows the USP code. tech level,
tonnage, and price required. Black globes have no energy point cost. Devices shown
at tech level 15 are used by the Imperium; those at higher tech levels are shown for
The acquisition of any black globe generator is probably the result of a lucky
find on the part of a government, individual, or corporation.{/quote]

Just out of curiosity, can a Black Globe be detected by sensors while it is "in use" and not flickering?
It would be incredibly difficult but it could be done.

A globed ship will block the radiation 'behind' it so you are looking for occultation of background stars etc or a slight dip in the background 'noise' - very difficult but doable.

If Hawking radiation is ever proved then a globed ship would emit such radiation, which may be easier to detect considering the size of the ship...
Sigtrygg said:
It would be incredibly difficult but it could be done.

A globed ship will block the radiation 'behind' it so you are looking for occultation of background stars etc or a slight dip in the background 'noise' - very difficult but doable.

If Hawking radiation is ever proved then a globed ship would emit such radiation, which may be easier to detect considering the size of the ship...

Basically the way an Ohio-class SSBN is, quieter than the water around it and almost impossible to detect. Has anyone seen a DM anywhere for using sensors against a ship with an active Black Globe with no flicker?
The official answer from T5 is that psi powers can not work through a black globe.

And now for the contentious bit.

It is also claimed by some that external gravitic 'forces' have no effect - you must be really careful with the interpretation here.

A globed ship must still follow its geodesic caused by external gravitic 'forces' but within the globed ship those gravitational 'forces' do not exist. Put another way if gravitons are ever shown to exist they would not penetrate the globe either.
Sigtrygg said:
The official answer from T5 is that psi powers can not work through a black globe.

And now for the contentious bit.

It is also claimed by some that external gravitic 'forces' have no effect - you must be really careful with the interpretation here.

A globed ship must still follow its geodesic caused by external gravitic 'forces' but within the globed ship those gravitational 'forces' do not exist. Put another way if gravitons are ever shown to exist they would not penetrate the globe either.

I would think that the protection from gravity bit would be covered by the Gravitic Shielding as opposed to Black Globes. One clearly states that it is a gravity effect and the Black Globes do not.

Does this mean that Psionics can work in one direction through a White Globe, but not the other direction?
yes, a psion inside a white globe would be able to affect things outside the globe, while psionics outside the globe would be blocked.
Sigtrygg said:
yes, a psion inside a white globe would be able to affect things outside the globe, while psionics outside the globe would be blocked.

A caveat: A psion inside a white globe could affect things outside, but could not use powers that provide knowledge or information, since the globe would block the incoming information, So outgoing telepathic messages, are fine, but not incoming ones or clairvoyance, in my opinion.
If psionics can be transformed into energy, they can energize equipment with the power of their minds.

Which shouldn't be limited to jump drives.

Or, jump capacitors have some aspects of a singularity, temporarily.
Arkathan said:
Sigtrygg said:
yes, a psion inside a white globe would be able to affect things outside the globe, while psionics outside the globe would be blocked.

A caveat: A psion inside a white globe could affect things outside, but could not use powers that provide knowledge or information, since the globe would block the incoming information, So outgoing telepathic messages, are fine, but not incoming ones or clairvoyance, in my opinion.
Nope. Inside a white globe you can direct weapons fire even with the white globe up - so you are getting information from outside.

Here is the MT quote:
"White G1obes:Treat white globes just like black globes, except
a ship mounting a white globe can see out, maneuver,
and fire. All other effects are the same."
Now you can only 'see out' if information can come in through the white globe.
Condottiere said:
If psionics can be transformed into energy, they can energize equipment with the power of their minds.

Which shouldn't be limited to jump drives.

Or, jump capacitors have some aspects of a singularity, temporarily.

Wouldn't that technology and energy look a bit like the energy that powers the Green Lantern's ring? Powered by emotion is powered by psionics, yes?
I tend to think emotion is a force multiplier.

However, I should point out, I gave up on most of the American comics multiverses, and have no fricking idea what's considered canon nowadays; not quite sure I want to know, either.