Has RQ Reached the shores of America?


Banded Mongoose
Does anyone know if American Distributors have received thier shipments of Runequest yet?

I know my local game store owner is about ready to beat me with a copy of the worlds biggest dungeon if I don't stop asking him :D
Malakor said:
my local game store owner is about ready to beat me with a copy of the worlds biggest dungeon if I don't stop asking him :D

Well, he has to use it for something! :D

Anyway, I have not seen any copies in my area as of yet. Lets hope they will be stocked today.

Malakor said:
Does anyone know if American Distributors have received thier shipments of Runequest yet?

I know my local game store owner is about ready to beat me with a copy of the worlds biggest dungeon if I don't stop asking him :D

Alliance & Blackhawk can't ship them until Monday. In my case, my store is 1 day shipping, so we'll have them on Tuesday.

I preordered mine from Mongoose. They may support local game stores, however where I am, the local gamestores only stock Games Whoreshop and only books produced by Wizards of the Coast. I look at it this way, if my local game stores will not stock or even special order what I want, I will not buy from them. :twisted:
Thanks for the responses, that means I should have mine in hand next week, I'm anxiously awaiting it.
towerwarlock said:
I preordered mine from Mongoose. They may support local game stores, however where I am, the local gamestores only stock Games Whoreshop and only books produced by Wizards of the Coast. I look at it this way, if my local game stores will not stock or even special order what I want, I will not buy from them. :twisted:

I cant get waterstone to get them but anothers can odd innit????
Here where I live there are only 2 gaming stores and neither will order them. I checked their suppliers can get the books but the jerks that run the stores refuse to even special order them. They claim they only stock what sells and thus they only carry Games Whoreshop and stuff put out by Wizards of the Coast. Of course, how can anything else even sell if they will not carry it? :?:
towerwarlock said:
Here where I live there are only 2 gaming stores and neither will order them. I checked their suppliers can get the books but the jerks that run the stores refuse to even special order them.
There are several reputable online stores that you can order from. Amazon has listings for pre-order. The online store I use lists the core and companion for $17.47, and the Glorantha book for $20.97.
Guimly said:
Only Amazon.com has then : the poor european guys will have to wait ...

Arrgh! So does anyone know when can us Europeans, particularly us Brits, can get our hands on MRQ?

On a related point. I've just seen that you can get MRQ corebook for $18.71 + $2.37 p/p (US shipping) on ebay.

JonGeere said:
Arrgh! So does anyone know when can us Europeans, particularly us Brits, can get our hands on MRQ?

On a related point. I've just seen that you can get MRQ corebook for $18.71 + $2.37 p/p (US shipping) on ebay.

My local store [The Games Shop in Aldershot, Hants] is getting them on Tuesday (8th August) and I imagine this will be true of those shops which generally stock Mongoose stuff.

kustenjaeger said:
My local store [The Games Shop in Aldershot, Hants] is getting them on Tuesday (8th August) and I imagine this will be true of those shops which generally stock Mongoose stuff.

They're on Esdevium's "8th of August" release sheet, however they're marked "preorder" so they may not necessarily actually be available at that date, just available to preorder. The fact they also have the releases for later in the month listed in the same section leads me to believe that is indeed the fact, and the first releases will not be in until at least the 15th - however I'll be calling Esdevium on Monday to clarify this. If they're not there on the 8th don't get too upset because its likely the store just got confused with Esdevium's not-too-clear release sheet ;)