Good in MRQ


Al I wanted to know was in a dagger could drop/kill/incapacitate a person in one hit. I wasn't woried about armor so much as if the weapons and combat in MRQ is as lethal as in RQ. The answers seems to be "lethal, but not quite as much".

I didn't mean for this to turn into a MRQ broken thread, just curious about home something worked in MRQ.

BTW< I don't think it is really a question of "IF the MRQ rules are broken." I think the MRQ rules work the way there were intended to. MRQ is intended to work differently that RQ. It is up to us to decide which method we prefer.
andakitty said:
I got sucked in for a while when I first noticed the similarities to BRP, got to hoping it would be 'the game'.

Hm, that is a surprisingly worrying thing to read. I do hope I'm not doing that. Not for the embarassment, I can live with being publicly wrong and all, but it would be terribly disappointing.
Rurik said:
Itto said:
My point is in regard to your "concern" with the rules. The rules work, they are different to BRP. What the rules your all "concerend" over do is alow you have greater scope with characters what type of characters you can play and get away with. They alow you to have skillfull, lightly armed characters that can take out blokes in full plate, not because they got a lucky hit, but because they are skillfull.

Well for the most part all rules work. D20 works. Can a level 1 character with a dagger kill a level 12 warrior in one blow - no. The question I was answering was can a person with a dagger kill with one shot to the head if he gets lucky.

That was always a part of older RQ's, even a relatively unskilled trollkin could get lucky and take out a runelord in shot (trust me). This does not seem to be the case with MRQ. In fact even with a critical a dagger will not get through chain.

That just means that the rules a different, and different rules call for different tactics. A highly skilled warrior in MRQ is going to have great difficulty against hoarding trollkin, as they can swamp him get the bonuses and slip a knife passed all that nice shiny plate/chain. Just different thats all, play and find out.
Balbinus said:
Did the folk on the playtest not come across these issues? I'd have thought they could shed some light on how much of a problem it caused, and there must be some of them here surely.
I don't think there has been a lot of info from the playtesters on combat. It sounds like the rules were under a lot of revision, so a lot of the early playtests used rulesets that were changed.

I do recall someone (a playteser IIRC, but this example has been used multiple times) directly commenting on combat, likening it to the Monty Python Black Knight skit from Holy Grail.
heh, I started it and I don't care if it gets off topic, the discussion is interesting. And to tell the truth my only real purpose is to see if someone can come up with enough to make me re-evaluate my decision. It's not happening. Anyway, I don't care how far the topic whatever occurs to you. :)
Heh, you know, when this thread first started, I was thinking about listing the things I liked about MRQ that I'd seen so far, but as i started thinking, almost all of them had the caveat of "but I'm not sure that I like the way it's been implemented," so I figured it'd end up being more of a downer post regardless. :)
Itto said:
That just means that the rules a different, and different rules call for different tactics. A highly skilled warrior in MRQ is going to have great difficulty against hoarding trollkin, as they can swamp him get the bonuses and slip a knife passed all that nice shiny plate/chain. Just different thats all, play and find out.

Yeah, but the question I was answering wasn't "are the rules different" that is a given, it was can a dagger kill a man with one shot under these different rules.

This post is in no way intended to be a solicitation for "use precise attacks" or "use a greatsword" comments.
SteveMND said:
Heh, you know, when this thread first started, I was thinking about listing the things I liked about MRQ that I'd seen so far, but as i started thinking, almost all of them had the caveat of "but I'm not sure that I like the way it's been implemented," so I figured it'd end up being more of a downer post regardless. :)

Really, despite my defense of things like mathematical proof, complex concepts like chances improving when skills go up, and a certain resentment to "use precise attacks" as the universal answer to all concerns voiced about the combat system, I think alot of it looks pretty good.

I think the combat actions/reactions may play pretty well, and like a lot of what I have read of the magic system. I think Rune Integration is a great mechanic with a more Gloranthan feel than previous versions. Character Generation is simpler than it has ever been (other than having to fish ahead in the book for stuff like advanced skill bases). A lot of it does seem to work well.