GMing a temptress


We have one temptress in our group, along with one thief and five bruisers. It can be hard sometimes getting her involved in adventures. What I would quite like to do is make up a few adventures that revolve around her, with the thief and fighter-types being support.

Anyone run any adventures that are specifically structured for temptresses?
what abaout the group needing to get into somwhere where she is the best option to get in : )
noobdelux said:
what abaout the group needing to get into somwhere where she is the best option to get in : )

Yep, that's come up before.

What I am really looking for though is a whole plot that revolves around the temptress.

The specific situation we have is this. There is another temptress in town who is critical to the plot of the current adventure. Our temptress has made overtures of friendship towards this temptress. I would like to develop this and have the other temptress bring a plot hook to our temptress, as a friend or at least pretending to be a friend. But what would a temptress be interested in?
Well, temptresses are concubines and entertainers. They can get close to targets in a way that bruisers cannot (or ususally attract far too much attention getting to).

The real dilema is not setting up a plot that soley revolves around stuff that a temptress is good at dealing with, but rather making it something that isn't in the realm of what the thief can take care of.

Temptresses are great at the long con (sticking to a target to rob or take advantage of for a long period before finally tricking them) and they are good at the quick fix (seducing guards and dignitaries as distractions), but in the latter case, once thier cover is blown they are in trouble.

Just think of temptresses as a differnt sort of thief, set up a series of scenarios where bashing in and destroying things just isn't the best answer right away, and the temptress and thief will instantly become the most valuable PCs in the room.
A temptress is often aware of how power really works in the environment she's in. She might well want to end up involved with wealth, power, combination, intrigue and so on. Offering the possibility of liason with someone powerful might do the trick as a good hook.
As I recall, the Shadizar box set has an adventure that could involve a temptress a great deal. One of our groups PC's was 'sold' into slavery as a concubine and then eventually taken to the 'orgy' while her group bashed their way in. It was an adult scenario, played with adults (and our temptress was played by a woman) but we had fun...
I know the problem well, different gaming groups have different dynamics, the players have some expectation of what the game is going to be like and a good game is one that meets that expectation.

If you have five combat chars then that would seem to be the players saying "We want a high combat game with a lot of fights and not to much time spent on complex plot,"while your other two players are looking for more plot and less combat
why not try something like start an adventure with the fighter chars in a prison awaiting execution for crimes they may or may not have commited. while they are trying their hardest to get out the thief and temptress are trying to either break in, clear their friends names, seduce and bribe some guards etc.

if you really dont want to have the fighters feel like they are just there to watch the other 2 then make the dungeon just a large cave/pit with all the criminals thrown in together making them have to fight and use cunning to survive.