Hi Guys, I am working on this GM screen and it will most likely see print in Signs and portents, I desperately want your feedback.
Most of these tables made it in. Now I wonder what of these you would say to keep out and really what is missing.
Now I want to present this 2 ways, Players "What is it that you think a GM should always have at their fingertips to keep your game running without distraction?"
GM's Your thoughts, Especially since now I am going to get to the Combat portion and other things besides skill check Dice. Modifiers, what must you have on the fly? Combat equations, scenarios, Random encounter table etc. Please let me know as I want to make this as good as can be and as useful as possible as that is its main purpose.
Thanks in advance and I look forward to your feedback.
Terrain and overland movement 14
Hampered Movement 14
Light Sources and Illumination 14
Type of KNowlege (scholar) 62
Reputation mod (77)
Reputation effects (7
Opposed Checks (81)
Diff .Class Examples (skills) 81
Narrow surface 86
climb checks 87
concentration checks 88
DC to gather 91
Disable device 93
Restraint (escape artist) 94
Handle Animal 95
Healing (task) 97
Jump Long and high 99
Listen 101
Move silently AC penalty 101
Open Lock 101
Perform 102
Ride 102
Search 103
Sense Motive 104
Sleight of hand 104
Spot 105
Survival 105
swim 106
tumble 106
use rope 107
track 128
Defense value 159
Actions in combat Provoke? 165
Morale Bonus 190
Sorcerers soul 193
runaway magic 195
poisons 232
Detect invisible 296
Melee Attack _ BAB +STR MOD+Size Mod+other
Ranged Attack_BAB+ DEX Mod+Size mod + Range Pen.+other
Defense Value_10 or D20 +size mod+parry or dodge bonus
Dodging_10 or D20 +size mod+dodge bonus
Parrying _10 or D20 +size mod+Parry Bonus
Initiative Check_ D20 + Base Reflex save+Dex Mod.+ Other feats or bonuses
Massive Damage Save DC =10 + 1/2 damage dealt
Grapple Check_ BAB + Str. Mod+ Spec Size mod
Most of these tables made it in. Now I wonder what of these you would say to keep out and really what is missing.
Now I want to present this 2 ways, Players "What is it that you think a GM should always have at their fingertips to keep your game running without distraction?"
GM's Your thoughts, Especially since now I am going to get to the Combat portion and other things besides skill check Dice. Modifiers, what must you have on the fly? Combat equations, scenarios, Random encounter table etc. Please let me know as I want to make this as good as can be and as useful as possible as that is its main purpose.
Thanks in advance and I look forward to your feedback.
Terrain and overland movement 14
Hampered Movement 14
Light Sources and Illumination 14
Type of KNowlege (scholar) 62
Reputation mod (77)
Reputation effects (7
Opposed Checks (81)
Diff .Class Examples (skills) 81
Narrow surface 86
climb checks 87
concentration checks 88
DC to gather 91
Disable device 93
Restraint (escape artist) 94
Handle Animal 95
Healing (task) 97
Jump Long and high 99
Listen 101
Move silently AC penalty 101
Open Lock 101
Perform 102
Ride 102
Search 103
Sense Motive 104
Sleight of hand 104
Spot 105
Survival 105
swim 106
tumble 106
use rope 107
track 128
Defense value 159
Actions in combat Provoke? 165
Morale Bonus 190
Sorcerers soul 193
runaway magic 195
poisons 232
Detect invisible 296
Melee Attack _ BAB +STR MOD+Size Mod+other
Ranged Attack_BAB+ DEX Mod+Size mod + Range Pen.+other
Defense Value_10 or D20 +size mod+parry or dodge bonus
Dodging_10 or D20 +size mod+dodge bonus
Parrying _10 or D20 +size mod+Parry Bonus
Initiative Check_ D20 + Base Reflex save+Dex Mod.+ Other feats or bonuses
Massive Damage Save DC =10 + 1/2 damage dealt
Grapple Check_ BAB + Str. Mod+ Spec Size mod