If you give all fighters precise would it give them back some of the fangs they lost in SFOS without making them overpowering?
If I understand you correctly, you suggest having fighters activated by Wing or ship's complement? This could work, given that you should be tracking flights by their CQ anyway (so it's no greater problem in bookkeeping tracking which flights are in which Wing). It does, to a certain extent, revive the problem of fighters ignoring anti-fighter arcs by acting first, but it's better than activating all fighters as a single choice! I wouldn't be against this one, but the bookkeeping might be awkward.Phoenixx said:I think it would be better to let them shot in between. Why not counting all (not dogfighting) fighters as a Ini-Unit. Then they would have at least 1 shoot.
Morpheus1975 said:How about changing anti-fighter to give a -1 or a -2 to all dodge rolls?
Personally, I'm not sure fighters need any better offensive capability. In the show, they are frequently a threat, but rarely a decisive factor. When they are, it's in swarms of dozens. A Starfury flight has 2AD, that's potentially 2 hits, and potentially 2 crits. That is indeed a threat. What about Precise? Do fighters really do that many crits? I do not think so, in fact, quite the opposite, fighter hits usually seem like surface effects.Balance said:I definitely feel they need something to make them more effective. I'm not quite sue what.
I'd prefer if the flight had to just abort, rather than add clutter and bookkeeping. It goes back to it's carrier hangar, like the Fleet Carrier rules, except that it can only go back to it's own ship (and if it's an indie Wing, tough luck - a built-in limitation for indie Wings). Oh, and what about Abbai Kotha? They start off with 1 AD Weak...Achiles said:What if they also gained a final 4+ roll to see if you got a couple of fighters or the whole flight. If the attacker passes the roll the flight is destroyed. If the attacker fails the roll put a marker on the flight. It losses 1 AD on all weapons. If it only has 1 AD it gains the weak trait. Next time it is hit the 4+ roll is not required after the damage roll. The flight is just destroyed.
I don't like this as it makes the Fleet carrier rules somewhat redundant (although, granted, they do other things as well).The final part is that a reduced flight may attempt to be recovered and returned to full strength as per the fleet carrier rule. However if the recovery roll is failed the flight is lost.