Banded Mongoose
I'm running the Pirates of Drinax campaign. After a big haul they run off to Tech World to finish the repairs on the Harrier and every one of them bought battledress. Now I have to deal with getting them out of it at every stop.
Roofies won't work due to the chemical tester add on.
Yeah, yeah, they can't wear them at most places with law level > 0. At least I had a previous player (many moons ago) go wild shooting everything on sight including law enforcement. When he finally went down but survived his character went to a prison planet and the player had to roll up a new character. So the idea that they should obey law levels has been planted.
Because battledress is expensive and and has lots of working parts, I presume it has a high maintenance cost on usage?
I'm just wondering what if they wear them 24/7. Or at least every time they jump into a system instead of putting on vacuum suits. Do people always put on vacc suits every entry or just paranoid PCs?
I can't keep throwing the Chamax plague at them. One player always comments about that adventure from years ago because at the time he had just bought his new battledress and I ruined it.
Roofies won't work due to the chemical tester add on.

Yeah, yeah, they can't wear them at most places with law level > 0. At least I had a previous player (many moons ago) go wild shooting everything on sight including law enforcement. When he finally went down but survived his character went to a prison planet and the player had to roll up a new character. So the idea that they should obey law levels has been planted.
Because battledress is expensive and and has lots of working parts, I presume it has a high maintenance cost on usage?
I'm just wondering what if they wear them 24/7. Or at least every time they jump into a system instead of putting on vacuum suits. Do people always put on vacc suits every entry or just paranoid PCs?
I can't keep throwing the Chamax plague at them. One player always comments about that adventure from years ago because at the time he had just bought his new battledress and I ruined it.