Games in progress census


Emperor Mongoose
Alright folks, lets cut through the chatter and get to the clatter. Of dice that is.

Check in if you are running or playing in a Traveller game.

I'm currently playing in one and running another. Two different groups, even.
I'm in the initial prep phase for a game I'll be running later this year, using the 1248 setting and the MGT rules.
ive run a few one shots and test games so far, hoping to start a campaign up in the next couple months once i can get a group of more than 2 together on the same day.
I am in a monthly one which has been going for about 6 years (although there have been months without a game due to schedules, including several months where we simply weren't meeting). However, we mostly use the MT rules instead of the MGT rules.
I'll be running session #3 on Wed. By then, I should have most of the major details of my homebrewed sector worked out. By session #4, I'll have the corebook picked up, and hopefully by then, I'll have figured out the main details about the system. I'm just faking it until then, but my players are cool with that. We don't use a whole lotta system most of the time anyway. So long as the story's good, system is mostly irrelevent to us. Some of the best games we've ever been in had absolutely NO SYSTEM at all. Dice were never even used.
I am currently running a game set in a homebrew version of the Old Expanses Sector, set between the Solomani Rim War and the outbreak of Virus (with the two set much closer together than in OTU materials). We've been running weekly since early October, with occasional breaks due to holidays and busy times for yours truly, the referee.

My group is fairly snarky, and they enjoy making gentle fun of the fact that Traveller is the future of 70's and not of today. Still, they seem to be having a good time.
Currently running a campagn in the Foreven sector, Darrian flavoured(before MG popped out their flavour of Foreven) 1102 so its a bit before the Fifth FW (which I hope will happen...)(evil smile).

Mostly MGT, with access to CT, TNE, GURPS, etc tossed in as well (I mean who woudn't?) (smile). On Wednesday nights, using Screenmonkey and Skype. Had 3 drop outs (2 in Universitys and (rightly so) didn't want to get a B.A.C. (Bounced at Christmas) and the third person just faded away.

Started in September to current... thats about... 12 goes at it. We go from Louisiana to Victoria BC. Occasional sound problem, but shrug seems to be okay. Have room for up to 3 more people but not actively seeking new members just yet (but neither would I turn anyone down either).

Running a Avenger Enterprises module series and (tip hat to all the AE staff) its going well. Planet based which is good as I just got HG and T&G.. Hoping for some word about Flynns guide to robots... etc.

Group is more focused on problem "sharing" (Sharing? lol freudian slip that is...) "Solving" is what I meant to say..., but do like the flavour of the series as well.

Take care

E. Herdan
GypsyComet said:
Alright folks, lets cut through the chatter and get to the clatter. Of dice that is.

Check in if you are running or playing in a Traveller game.

I'm currently playing in one and running another. Two different groups, even.

I'm running one, and converted over to MGT (from CTMGTGURPATU mishymashyrules)about six months ago.

Spinward void, sall players are in-service scouts* in a "where no man has gone before (and returned alive from)" style campaign in and around the Outrim void.

The MGT playtest campaign (basic traveller wandering soldiers of fortune/criminal vagrants) is in reserve as players have attacks of life and work and holidays -like, a work trip to Cosmograd to launch a satellite. You think you've got annoyingly well educated players ? Jeeeesh.
Another really does design and test high energy particle beams (medical). Another is a big deal System administration consultant; another is a video and telecomunications signals expert. Another writes commercial database systems in his sleep. I could just cry sometimes.

* which has prompted one waggish player to describe the campaign as the longest survival roll , ever.
I have characters in two PBEM Traveller games. One is straight CT; circa 1105, mis-jumps, priacy, crash landings and making nice with the locals on a very balkanized world. The game has run for nearly two years real time.
The other is a MGT system circa 1105, trouble shooters and investigators game. This one just started recently, just before I purvchased my copy of Spica Publishing Career Book One; really wish I had it before I submitted my character!
On the cusp of starting one, I think. I'm starting up a new group next month (after playstyle preference problems with the old group) and I'll be running either Traveller or Warhammer FRPG. I'd prefer Traveller. Got a subsector in the making and I figure it'll be the old tramp frieghter game, or possible noble and entourage, or a merc game. I'm up for all three.
Just started one on Friday, set intially at least on Victoria in the Llanth subsector of the Spinward Marches. My first ever Traveller game (of any line). Had a blast. Loved the character generation - totally sold me on the game, and the system struck me as so adaptable and straight-forward that it simply hid in the background allowing focus on the emerging plot and the roleplay.
Running one. The next session isn't till the 20th though.

Tramp frieghters wandering around in a sandbox with a comprehensive large scale conflict subtly building in the backround via the news networks/random events. Had two ships/crews that recently pooled resources to purchase a larger version.
Been running a detached Scouts campaign for about six months now using MGT. The action has been mainly in District 268 and Five Sisters subsectors. Had a lot of fun with the build-up to the Fifth Frontier War.

They've dueled with genetic supermen, rescued a lost Darrian starship, fought a guerilla movement on Tarsus, and defended the life of a Vilani diplomat, amongst other things. They just got hired by a Droyne Sport to help him with various "errands" at isolated systems around the area -- some being known Ancient sites.

It's nice to be back in the Traveller Universe ...