Hollywood Hogan
Well it has been 6 months since I was supposed to recieve my Shadizar map in the mail. In the past 6 months, I've sent numerous emails and have not recieved a reply. This is extremely frustrating, as I'm a big supporter of Mongoose's Conan product line - I own Conan - The RPG - Atlantean Edition, The Road of Kings, The Pirate Isles, The Free Companies, Shadizar - City of the Wicked, and Aquilonia rpg books.
To compound the problem, my fellow gamers and I have since left Shadizar, without ever experiencing the new map. Not really sure where or how to advance from here, so I just thought I would vent a little and get this off my chest.
- Hollywoood
To compound the problem, my fellow gamers and I have since left Shadizar, without ever experiencing the new map. Not really sure where or how to advance from here, so I just thought I would vent a little and get this off my chest.
- Hollywoood