For Bug Players - Do you use tunnel assets?

When playing Arachnids, do you use Tunnel Assets?

  • Always.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Most of the time.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sometimes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rarely.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Another recent topic about tunnel assets made me think - how often do Arachnid players use tunnel assets? I always do, but I seem to recall seeing posts that some bug players aren't so keen on going underground.
If they aren't keen about going underground now, wait until they run into Exosuits with Firestorms. It'll change their mind real fast!
Since I only have 46 warriors, I don't quite have a large enough swarm to go without tunnels. Besides, it's so fun to heard the MI to hidden units. :)

If I use a Brain, I'm using tunnel assets.

If I use a tanker, I'm using tunnel assets.

Otherwise, its a mixed bag.
If I'm using two tankers (swarmed) underground, I'm using tunnels and hoping that the MI blow up the tunnel marker when it's nearby. >:)

The Old Soldier said:
The bugs are the masters of the underground, use it to your full advantage.
Very true.

And by the way, that dumb thing with shooting nukes down bug holes, how many people actually remember to do that?
Well, looks like I use tunnel assets the least. I like using them, but they put you at too much of a disadvantage in a bug vs bug game. Vs MI and Skinnies they are great, but if you run into a bug army with no tunnels, then they're going to really outnumber you and have NO problem with you rushing at them.
Yeah I always use them and find them very handy for my particular style of play.

VT raises a good point for those who play in tournaments Vs other Arachnid armies.
I was wondering why anyone wouldn't use them until I hit that post..... never really think about bug vs bug at all.
We've got a 'club army' so pretty much got everythin in the army book...... 100 warriors, four tankers, three plasmas etc..... so you can take every option (same from MI but out marauders aren't full strength yet).
So now we need TWO of every option :(
Dr. Rooster said:
The Old Soldier said:
The bugs are the masters of the underground, use it to your full advantage.
Very true.

And by the way, that dumb thing with shooting nukes down bug holes, how many people actually remember to do that?

We saw that done in a game last week - and its hurt big time!
In the bug players defense it was his second time playing the game.

There were three tunnel markers within 18" of the entrance. The result was 14 dead warriors and 9 dead Blister bugs (don't ask me why the blisters were underground, the new guy was learning how to play...). But it was a devestating attack that broke the bug army right there and then.
nezeray said:
If I'm using two tankers (swarmed) underground, I'm using tunnels and hoping that the MI blow up the tunnel marker when it's nearby. >:)


Interesting tactic!

Quick question, Nezeray - Can your tankers begin the game as a swarm, or do you have to start them as individual units and then form a swarm as an action?
Sgt. Ray Ray said:
Dr. Rooster said:
And by the way, that dumb thing with shooting nukes down bug holes, how many people actually remember to do that?

We saw that done in a game last week - and its hurt big time!
In the bug players defense it was his second time playing the game.

There were three tunnel markers within 18" of the entrance. The result was 14 dead warriors and 9 dead Blister bugs (don't ask me why the blisters were underground, the new guy was learning how to play...). But it was a devestating attack that broke the bug army right there and then.

Oh man, I didn't know the Blister bugs were involved in that debacle. Now I feel even worse for mentioning to Bob that he could set up a bug hole in the LAMI deployment zone! :oops:

God honest truth i SWEAR by them, easy fast covert transportation, now as to bug players using tunnels i see it liek this (Against MI, no other Bg players in my area)

Do i:

A. Advance and get the crap shot out of me with reaction fire?
B. Advance underground, pop up in point blank and kill off an MI squad in combat

Tough choice.
One of my favorite tunneling Tactics is the super secret Camo entrance.

Put one camo entrance almost directly behind a normal entrance. Pop a cave in on the normal entrance early on, then pop up from the Camo that the MI have probably retreated near. Not perfect, but works quite often as the MI's first instinct is to move backwards, but never so far that they are out of morita range.

Another one I've used to great Success is mobile terrain. This works GREAT against Chickenhawks. After deployment, place a tunnel entrance right in front of a Chickenhawk. EVEN if it is readied, it can't jump and fire, so if you are a higher PL, it must move on its first action and only get 1 shot off first turn. Doesn't sound like much, but saving yourself from just 1 action of its shooting can be a big help.

Also, If the enemy chooses to go first, this works even better...

You can use them for defense! Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel all touching each other RIGHT in front of your main advance! That's a 12" long 4" tall WALL in front of your advance. This works really well for protecting things like Hoppers or firefries if you find yourself wanting to choose defend tactics to avoid possibly getting an Encounter mission. You move forward next turn, and your back line then performs a ready action to collapse the tunnels and they go back to your pool. Then, keep one in the center of the table and you can tunnel in ANY direction from it.

Ok, I could go on and on.... I think I'll just go back to work on my tactics articles, I've been slacking a bit.
MI and like trenches... Pathfinders with neo and trench lazers and flamers every one in the unit hits the marker D3 times at D10+1/2 and neo dogs uncover hole if comoflouged.
In the War of the Species Tournament Low Roller fielded something like 3 tankers, 6 hoppers and the rest warriors - Priority 3. If you spend 300 to 400 points on assets you are going to struggle - and things are harder when you are limited in the number of things that can emerge from a tunnel entrance, the reactions are going to make life hairy.

Similarly a plasma bug might find it only has one shot before there are swarms within its minimum fire range.

Just added complications when choosing a force !!!
Gregor said:
In the War of the Species Tournament Low Roller fielded something like 3 tankers, 6 hoppers and the rest warriors - Priority 3. If you spend 300 to 400 points on assets you are going to struggle - and things are harder when you are limited in the number of things that can emerge from a tunnel entrance, the reactions are going to make life hairy.

Similarly a plasma bug might find it only has one shot before there are swarms within its minimum fire range.

Just added complications when choosing a force !!!
Indeed, I think it was 63 warriors in addition to what you mentioned... that was a close game, that. His force did well despite the lack of assets, and those three tankers acted as great fire sponges.
I tunneled with most of my army during my last game, with reserves coming out of Nest entrances at the edge of my deployment zone. My Plasma bug was the only bug above ground for several turns and had an ENTIRE M.I. army shooting at him (scared the plasma out of him!).
I'm thinking of having half my army start above ground and half tunneling next battle so my opponent has to choose what to blast first, those 30 Warriors rushing at him or the lumbering Plasma bug in the background.
This might give my Plasma bug maybe a longer lifespan.
Anybody got better ideas to protect those poor Plasma bug (which are VERY hard to miss).