Arabin said:
Time to get this thread back on topic... anyone else have any thoughts or comments on female gangs?
I've been playing Escher gangers for Necromunda since that game came out, but of course that style isn't quite MC1. And to tell the truth, a complete lack of cool female figs has limited my GoMC1 enthusiasm. (Even though the system rocks over Necromunda...)
What an MC1 femme-gang would need is a Tank Girl look, IMHO. The animation styles fit quite nicely, and there'd be enough distinctiveness to every fig. Or pick any GRRL Band of your choice. Copy female charcters from the Matrix or the Blade movies or any Milla Jovovich action film (just copy Milla!). Watch some eps of "Americas Next Top Model" where they do off the wall outfits and copy those.
Some other advice
- Its not all about the bosoms. Abs Abs abs!
- Pretty faces with cool hair.
- Don't rule out Mohawks, half-hawks, or straight out baldness - those still fit the wacky Dredd-verse.
- Make their actual weapons and fight poses impressive, so they look like they know how to handle a sword or shotgun.
I haven't been impressed with the SST females so far, so I'd hope the GoMC1 sculpts would be more feminine, with just the right amount of kick ass.
Just my two pfennig...