Excel Ship Designer v2025.03.06b

Backup J-drive:

Cost based on base size, not total size.

Advantage "Cost Reduction" removes the added cost for tech advantages, only the reduced cost remains. Presumably incorrect if several advantages are used, e.g. Decreased Fuel + Cost Reduction. Probably the same problem for all drives.

Backup jump drive uses everything from main jump drive, including size and TL validation:

Backup, note rating 1:

If you keep relative and absolute references appropriately, you can just copy paste the entire block and it will still be correct...
1. Unless there's something new, twenty five percent cost reduction is based on the budget version, which requires one disadvantage to be incorporated.

2. It was clarified a while ago, engineering costs are based on final tonnage and cost modifiers.

Collector based solely on "main" jump drive, not at all on "backup" jump drive. Rating should probably be MAX( Drives!D24; Drives!D48 ). Some idiot like me could rate the second jump drive higher than the first.

I might even use a Collector-1 with a backup jump drive, while the main jump drive-3 used regular fuel...

Neither batteries nor collectors can be protected with armoured bulkheads.

Fuel for four weeks is minimum 1 Dt, not 1 Dt for one week.

Reaction fuel only based on backup reaction drive, not main reaction drive.

Fuel is fungible, but you may want to have power plant fuel in metal hydride tanks, protected by bulkheads, but no such frills for the jump fuel?

The error for no cargo is perhaps good, but a bit cryptic? The message for demountable tanks, without any demountable tanks, is a bit over-zealous?

No error shown on the Cargo tab?
Cargo tab:

Collapsible tanks added to total cargo space, should be deducted:

Empty collapsible tanks, cargo 7.14 out of a 7.07 Dt hold:

Full collapsible tanks, cargo 14.14 out of a 7.07 Dt hold:

Same problem with Demountable tanks.

Specifically ammunition magazined may want to be protected by armoured bulkhead separately.
AnotherDilbert said:
Something is wrong with advantages for High-Burn Thrusters:

Only the first advantage is actually used.

Cost based on base size, not total size. Should be same as R-drive above.


Not entirely removed when deselected, takes -1.136 Dt, like a Tardis.

Advantage "Cost Reduction" takes three slots regardless of level, should be one slot per level? (For all drives.)

Cost reduction is a standard unit whose only improvement is production economy. House rule and as intended. The User defined mods can duplicate it without the mod point cost.

Please add a quantity for each category of bridge. It's vital for warships wanting Sub-Command Centres.



Backup computer fib cost wrong.

Bandwidth validation wonky. Still uses both computers combined bandwidth?


Bandwidth validation still allows a m/15 computer to run Jump-4 software, because the backup computer is m/10/bis. Neither computer can run Jump-4 software.


Firmpoint validation a bit over-zealous, I have added one barbette and zero fixed lasers, for a total of two firmpoints used, which is completely legal.

Barbettes on firmpoints still take the normal amount of space, 5 Dt.

Cost of a Barbette is MCr 8.0, whether mounted on a ship (hardpoint) or a small craft (firmpoints). No Fixed Mounts are involved...

Still no Fixed Mounts on hardpoints, or Single Turrets on firmpoints, both completely correct.

Reiterating previous rant:
AnotherDilbert said:
A Firmpoint is an alternative to a Hardpoint, but for small craft; Ships have Hardpoints, small craft have Firmpoints.
A Fixed Mount is an alternative to a Turret, usable by any ship or small craft.
Any small craft can use a Fixed Mount or a Single Turret on each Firmpoint.
Any ship can use a Fixed Mount or any turret on each Hardpoint.
Firmpoints should not be confused with Fixed Mounts.

Ships should not have Firmpoints available as possible mounts.

Small craft should not have Hardpoints (and hence double and triple turrets etc.) available as mounts. (Barbettes can be mounted on two Firmpoints.)
Arkathan said:
Cost reduction is a standard unit whose only improvement is production economy. House rule and as intended. The User defined mods can duplicate it without the mod point cost.

OK, a bit cryptic...
Free Space in ship off by 0.04 Dt, can be a problem for tightly packed fighters.

Seems connected to Hull tab, or perhaps Armour volume?

0.04 Dt to little free:

If we remove 4.26 Dt armour:

we suddely get 4.28 Dt free, not 4.26 + -0.02 = 4.24 Dt as expected.

Perhaps the 4.26 Dt armour is rounded to 4.30 Dt in the summary (cell Hull!S39)?
Edit: Yes, verified, cell Hull!S39 rounds up to 1 decimal, which introduces the error.

Jump drive is 5 Dt + 400 × 6 × 2.5% = 65 Dt.


Not 60 Dt.

Edit: Cell Drives!T7 [=IF( B4*VLOOKUP(D24;AF6:AO10;4)>9,99; B4*VLOOKUP(D24;AF6:AO10;4) ; 10 )] should include a fixed 5 Dt.
Formula error-prone since it copies the calculation and minimum value twice.
= MAX( 10; 5+B4*VLOOKUP(D24;AF6:AO10;4) ) would be faster and less error-prone.

Testing User defined tech advantage X1:

Something went wrong for the M-drive? Used Prototype cost, instead of Advanced cost?

Works for J-drive, but the string "User-def" not used for the name of the advantage?
OK. Shouldn't have stayed up late trying to get that done. Sleep-deluded myself into thinking I'd fixed some of that.
See edited first post on weapons. Also, with that, the weapon selection is greyed out until you select a hardpoint, so the workflow is correct, just not in the intuitive order so that I'd have room for the notes.
Will work on that once the earlier tabs are right.
Planning on separating out small craft from ships to eliminate the firmpoint confusion. But Later.
AnotherDilbert said:
Something went wrong for the M-drive? Used Prototype cost, instead of Advanced cost?

.1 is correct for one advantage. Prototype is 5x. Early is 10x.
Arkathan said:
AnotherDilbert said:
Something went wrong for the M-drive? Used Prototype cost, instead of Advanced cost?

.1 is correct for one advantage. Prototype is 5x. Early is 10x.

Quite, but here we see a drive with one advantage (Advanced), but the TL and cost of Early Prototype:

Can't be correct?

Edit: Cell E14: truncated range in =VLOOKUP(B14;S17:W30;4).
Should be W39? Same in cells E15, E16.

If you used absolute references, e.g. =VLOOKUP( $B14; $S$17:$W$39; 4 ), you could just use Fill Down to correct all cells E14-E16.

Cells U41-U43 also uses truncated range =VLOOKUP(B14;S17:U35;3).
Should be range S17:U39?
The power calculation is also wonky?

1000 Dt hull, M-drive 1, so 100 Power:

Add a user defined advantage, should still be 100 Power, but is now -100 Power:

User defined advantage does not involve Power:

See cell Drives!W3 [=IF(D11>0;(D11+H14)*0,1*B4;0,1*B4*0,25)].
Cell H14 (drive size mod) should not be used here...
Hull points:

5 000 Dt, so 2000 Hull points, correct.


50 000 Dt, so should be 50 000 / 2 = 25000 Hull points, incorrect.


500 000 Dt, so should be 500 000 / 1.5 = 333 333 Hull points, incorrect.
Condottiere said:
Cost modifiers for primitivations and advancements are additive and subtractive, not multiplicative nor divisive.

Yes. you add .1 x cost, or add 5x cost or 10 x cost - or whatever decimal multiplied times the base cost to get the added mod cost.