

I find the Lone Wolf RPG books from Mongoose a fascinating read. I own quite a few RPG books. I love to read them. I`ve never played one (no joke), but I just, for some reason, love reading them. Perhaps it is because they are so technical and richly detailed.

While I was disappointed that the Lone Wolf RPG (one of my favourite fantasy settings of all time) was just the same old D20 system all over again, I found the content in the book fascinating. I bought the Darklands supplement as well. I love Mongoose`s stuff, especially their D&D supplemental material. The author of this one, August Hahn, did an exceptional job, especially on the material concerning all the nations of Magnamund, and I was impressed by how the Kai Lord class was converted into the D20 system, I don`t imagine it could have been done any better in this system than that.

In any case, I was just wondering about some of the errors in the Lone Wolf one. This isn`t meant as slamming it, just thought it would be interesting to see what people have found that I missed. Also, it might be useful to have a congealed list in one thread.

I`ll start with one that I can think of right off the top of my head.

- Darklord Taktaal in the Darklands supplement is depicted as having legs and feet, when actually he has the lower body of a snake, and slithers around. {Book 12, Section 138}

- Probable error Vordaks in the core book are shown with a higher Challenge Rating than Helghasts, when I`m fairly certain the opposite should be true. This one is just a guess on my part after having read the books, the impression is undoubtedly that Helghasts are superior to Vordaks. In book 8, for example, a single Helghast is a more difficult encounter than an entire large group of Vordaks.
Book 8, Section 308: 1 Helghast, Combat Skill-38 Endurance-48
Book 8, Section 8: Large pack of Vordaks, Combat Skill-28 Endurance-40
There are a lot of minor errors that just show, overall, a lack of editing by knowledgeable staff. I mean, anyone can edit for spelling and grammar, but you should get people who know the setting to edit for content.

I always notice minor stuff, though, like how Rendalim's Elixir is said to come from the rendalim plant. It's named after Madin Rendalim, an herbalist of some repute, and so the potion itself shouldn't even exist because Madin Rendalim is a guy who's in his prime during Lone Wolf's lifetime. In the Darklands supplement, one of the narrators translates "zejar dulaga" to mean something like "a silent swiftness" (I don't have the book handy), whereas those of us who bothered to look it up in the Giak lexicon in the Magnamund Companion know it means "poisoned arrow." It's that sort of stuff that drives me nuts--that's all just so easy to edit out.
Smyslov said:
- Probable error Vordaks in the core book are shown with a higher Challenge Rating than Helghasts, when I`m fairly certain the opposite should be true. This one is just a guess on my part after having read the books, the impression is undoubtedly that Helghasts are superior to Vordaks. In book 8, for example, a single Helghast is a more difficult encounter than an entire large group of Vordaks.
Book 8, Section 308: 1 Helghast, Combat Skill-38 Endurance-48
Book 8, Section 8: Large pack of Vordaks, Combat Skill-28 Endurance-40

As i understand it, Vordak's are finished monsters, helgasts are a basic starting point, there all supposed to have levels in charicter classes to halp them blend in better.
Smyslov said:
I find the Lone Wolf RPG books from Mongoose a fascinating read. I own quite a few RPG books. I love to read them. I`ve never played one (no joke), but I just, for some reason, love reading them. Perhaps it is because they are so technical and richly detailed.

While I was disappointed that the Lone Wolf RPG (one of my favourite fantasy settings of all time) was just the same old D20 system all over again, I found the content in the book fascinating. I bought the Darklands supplement as well. I love Mongoose`s stuff, especially their D&D supplemental material. The author of this one, August Hahn, did an exceptional job, especially on the material concerning all the nations of Magnamund, and I was impressed by how the Kai Lord class was converted into the D20 system, I don`t imagine it could have been done any better in this system than that.

In any case, I was just wondering about some of the errors in the Lone Wolf one. This isn`t meant as slamming it, just thought it would be interesting to see what people have found that I missed. Also, it might be useful to have a congealed list in one thread.

I`ll start with one that I can think of right off the top of my head.

- Darklord Taktaal in the Darklands supplement is depicted as having legs and feet, when actually he has the lower body of a snake, and slithers around. {Book 12, Section 138}

- Probable error Vordaks in the core book are shown with a higher Challenge Rating than Helghasts, when I`m fairly certain the opposite should be true. This one is just a guess on my part after having read the books, the impression is undoubtedly that Helghasts are superior to Vordaks. In book 8, for example, a single Helghast is a more difficult encounter than an entire large group of Vordaks.
Book 8, Section 308: 1 Helghast, Combat Skill-38 Endurance-48
Book 8, Section 8: Large pack of Vordaks, Combat Skill-28 Endurance-40

Yeah, the lwrpg is really pretty good. :)

As for the errors, while there are minor errors, much much more is correct. I think someone made such a list to which we all contributed some time early last year, or late 2004. Its probably buried somewhere around here.

Another thing about the helghasts, even if they are used as they are they can actually be more deadly than the vordaks, if they are played correctly. (especially if their blue-fire staff ability is used).