Earthforce Lasers??


I’ve been trying to work out some conversions for AOG B5W Dilgar weapons and I’ve come across some interesting numbers.

The EF Heavy Laser is 8d10+80 (average 124), Medium 20+3d10 (av 36) and Light 15+2d10 (av 26) all from the EF Factbook. Now this makes the Medium only 29% and Light 21% of the power of the heavy model.

This seems a massive gap between heavy and other models. I would have suspected a more even spread; which is incidentally what you get if the Heavy Laser is reduced to 40+4d10; Medium becomes 58% & Light 42%. (And makes it a lot closer to the AOG versions which were 67% & 43% respectively).

I am most curious to know if there has been an error in the Heavy Laser damage or whether this was what was intended by Mongoose all along, perhaps to show that the new weapon was a quantum leap over the old lasers.

Thoughts and any word from Mongoose crew much appreciated!

PS. Happy New Year to all!
There appears to be some confusion re:the heavy laser. At this point it is uncertain whether a HL does 8d10+80 or if that is the COMBINED damage of a pair of them, making 1 HL 4d10+40.
I think you are right about the thread in Rulemasters, but I'm still not sure that it is the right answer!

It does the make the Heavy Laser a lot more powerful than, say a Heavy Pulse Cannon, and if it is that much more powerful why bother with a HPC in the first place!? :?

That and the pulse cannon could be used to shoot down incoming fire if it's really needed too (at least you can do that with those in B5W). Either that or anti-fighter work.
According to the EA Factbook, the Thunderbolt replaces the Twin-Linked Unipulse cannons of the Starfury with a single Gatling Pulse Cannon which "scores more damage" than the starfuries cannons. This isn't true, if I read the rules correctly the minumum damage an Arora Starfury scores with the twin-linked cannons is 8 (1 on 4d8 rolled twice for the link) with a maximum of 64 (8 on 4d8 rolled twice for the link) while the Gatling Pulse cannon has a minimum of 4 ( 1 on 4d10 rolled once) and a maximum of 40 (10 on 4d10 rolled once).

Unless I'm missing something even making an average roll the Aurora will "score " better damage.

Should the Gatling Pulse cannon do more damage?
Should it ignore DR?
Should it have Rapid Fire?
Any Thoughts?
I think the 4D8 is for both guns total on the Starfury, not 4D8 per gun.

I will grant the fire-linking rules are a little vague, a little help from the admins/publishers on this please?
I think the 4D8 is for both guns total on the Starfury, not 4D8 per gun.
I did some checking and I think that the figure is per gun, not both.

I agree with rook111, as the figures stand the Thunderbolt needs more oomph. Making the gun rapid fire would do it (and give one heck of a punch!! :D ).

It's almost the same problem with the Heavy Laser. I saw a single HL on the Orion starbase listed as 40+4d10 :? (What happened to the 8d10+80 per weapon??)

I will grant the fire-linking rules are a little vague, a little help from the admins/publishers on this please?
I'll add my vote to LoneStranger's request for this..PLEASE... :) And for an errata for the EF Factbook so we know what the weapons are once and for all.
