Dyson Sphere issues


Emperor Mongoose
Dyson Spheres are huge. Same with Ringworlds and such. My thought is that you can't even get to them using a Jump Drive. When you jump to a Dyson Sphere, you arrive at the 100D limit. The 100D limit for a Dyson Sphere is 100AU or 15 billion kilometers. As an example, Pluto orbits the Sun at between 30-50AU from the Sun, so you would exit Jump Space 2 to 3 times the distance of Pluto from the Sun. On the upside, at least the M-Drive would function out to 1,000 AUs...lol

In the OTU, I know there are several structures such as this. What is the intent for how these structures are approached in game?
Mostly hot air, I would have thought.

However, the star at the heart of the matter, or black hole, still counts.
However, the star at the heart of the matter, or black hole, still counts.
And that's where it gets 'weird'. If you just count the star, a Sol-sized sun with a 1AU radius (Earth orbit) sphere would let you jump inside (0.93ish AU). But the shell has some mass and the whole "precipitate out" thing becomes, well, weird. I would think you could exit just outside the shell, by some small distance - as in a few thousands of kilometers, but I really don't know.

I think the only OTU Dyson sphere is some 'small' thing around a red dwarf out in the Vargr Extents somewhere and some rumor of a thing on the far side of Hiver space. I think I would rule that you can't jump to the inside of it, but it would be the equivalent of a size 1 world for jump distance on the outside... just because I want to pick a number, not because I did any math...
Since the jump drive isn't based on meson technology, I doubt that you can transition through anything substantially solid.

Precipitation than becomes a question of how far that gravitational influence extends from the Dyson surface, and that may be how thick it is, times a hundred.
The 100 diameter limit is a game decision to limit the amount of math that has to be done. It should really be that you have to be X distance up in the gravity well, where X is determined by the mass of the object, not its diameter. 100 Diameters is a convent proxy that breaks down in cases like a Dyson Sphere.
What is the gravity on the inside of the sphere? Use that equivalent diameter in your calculations.
I think the only OTU Dyson sphere is some 'small' thing around a red dwarf out in the Vargr Extents somewhere and some rumor of a thing on the far side of Hiver space. I think I would rule that you can't jump to the inside of it, but it would be the equivalent of a size 1 world for jump distance on the outside... just because I want to pick a number, not because I did any math...

  1. The Dyson Sphere rumor is regarding an object on the Far Side of Hiver Space (Sphere/Nooq 3201).
  2. The Vargr Extents has a Rosette of Worlds (Tireen/Knaeleng 2910).
  3. There is an incomplete Ancient's Ringworld to Trailing in the Outcast of the Whispering Sky (Leenitakot/Hinterworlds 1432).
And that's where it gets 'weird'. If you just count the star, a Sol-sized sun with a 1AU radius (Earth orbit) sphere would let you jump inside (0.93ish AU). But the shell has some mass and the whole "precipitate out" thing becomes, well, weird. I would think you could exit just outside the shell, by some small distance - as in a few thousands of kilometers, but I really don't know.

I think the only OTU Dyson sphere is some 'small' thing around a red dwarf out in the Vargr Extents somewhere and some rumor of a thing on the far side of Hiver space. I think I would rule that you can't jump to the inside of it, but it would be the equivalent of a size 1 world for jump distance on the outside... just because I want to pick a number, not because I did any math...
Wasn't there a ringworld or something around Vume from Pirates of Drinax?