Drazi V League fleet question

I need to get my Drazi fleet up to spec. I currently have one Drazi box set + 1 vree scout saucer.

If I just take Drazi I have an initiative of +1
If I include the Vree scout I guess the fleet becomes league and falls to +0 initiative. Are there any other impacts for me?

Please note the one Vree saucer is the only other league ship I have, I was just trying to work out whether taking it was a good idea or whether I should stick to pure Drazi


You use the worst initiative bonus, if memory serves, so you still suffer the Drazi penalty if you're the defender.

Also remember, race special rules only apply to the ships of that race in a League fleet, so your Vree ship is the only one to benefit from the Telepathy rule.
I'd go for a mixed league fleet if I were you.
I was very impressed with the two games I had against them. And was real lucky to capture that Brikiri ship at the end with my T'Loth. (2nd game)
You can borrow some of mine if you want?
My main objective is to get my Drazi fleet out for a fight as they have never fought before, so I won't take you up on the offer of other League ships. The Vree scout is just a one off as I don't think the Drazi have any official scouts, and the Vree scout looks so cool! Must paint it.....

I need to get my Drazi going sometime too. Its nearly ready.
Vree are very useful, yes since Drazi have no scouts, but also as initiative sinks. Since Drazi are mainly boresighted, if you lose initiative you also lose firepower.
Burger said:
I need to get my Drazi going sometime too. Its nearly ready.
Vree are very useful, yes since Drazi have no scouts, but also as initiative sinks. Since Drazi are mainly boresighted, if you lose initiative you also lose firepower.

Very true but the one thing I am not going to be, is out numbered. Currently thinking of 4 Strikehawks + 1 stormfalcon + 3 sunhawk + 1 vree scout. Don't mind using the sunhawks as init sinks if neccessary along with the Vree saucer. Should allow me to move the strikehawks and Storm falcon as I wish.

Looking for a rematch with Tanks early EA.
Definately take the saucer.

Yes you do lose the +1 initiative (maybe +2 if attacker under SFoS) but I think the re-direct is worthwhile. I makes a better sink than the Sunhawk as it can still shoot if it has too where the Sunhawk is just a lump of metal if it has to move first.

And no there is no other penalty to taking the Vree. Neither the Drazi nor the Vree have any fleet wide special rules, they are all ship dependant.

Taking League hurts you in some ways in campaign as you lose the specials on Brakirir, Abbai, Vree and Raiders. But the flexibility you gain is well worth the cost. Well, maybe not abbai...that -2 initiative just makes them an anchor around you neck sometimes, no matter how much I love the ships.

Lord David the Denied said:
You use the worst initiative bonus, if memory serves, so you still suffer the Drazi penalty if you're the defender.

No, you use an initiative of 0 for combined fleets or the lowest initiative of the fleets whose ships you have taken, which ever is lower.

SFOS P.114 left hand sidebar, 2nd bullet point

The Drazi have a +1 Initiative. As a special race ability they gain a +1 initiative if they are attacking, for a +2 total. In a combined League fleet they would count as initiative +1. The Abbai have a -2 Initiative.
In a combined league fleet you use the initiative of the lowest initiative race represented.

Combined League fleets aren't allowed many, if not all of the special abilities that each race has. Read the guidelines in SFOS on this point carefully.

I just reread the sidebar on P.114, the special rule that gives the Drazi the init bonus for attacking is not included in the list of special rules allowed for combined fleets, so a league fleet with Drazi in it will have at best an init bonus of 0. (Less if allied with a fleet of init bonus lower than that.

Having vree with drazi is good. Vree have the defensive weaponry and ability to fire in almost any direction giving the drazi the cover they need. Plus you can always move your vree ships first then the drazi so you can line up your boresights.