'Drama at the Starport' on TAS/DriveThruRPG


Banded Mongoose
It's been a long time coming, but finally... I've got my first Traveller 'thing' up onto DriveThruRPG.

Drama at the Starport

A D66 book of adventure hooks, idea seeds, and background events to liven up the characters visits to starports anywhere across Charted Space.

This book contains a D66 table of random events which can occur while the Travellers are at a starport, arriving, or leaving. Depending on the requirements of the campaign or adventure they can be background events, things for the characters to become briefly involved in, or adventure hooks which can lead to further escapades.

This 24-page PDF document is laid out to be print-suitable, and has two blank pages (one inside the front and rear cover) to facilitate printing in booklet format if desired.

Plans are afoot for bigger (and hopefully better) publications to follow, but first I wanted to get the hang of publishing via DriveThru, so I started with this one.


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Okay, I picked it up. I'll have to peruse it and leave a review, but the review from Freelance Traveller on it was very compelling!
Thank you. Look forward to hearing what you think.

For what it's worth, the Freelance Traveller review was incorrect in its statement that the artwork used was all available for free under creative commons; this isn't the case, as all artwork was paid for and licenced appropriately.