do you want to live forever?

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Quick question...
Where in the Conan D20 book is there a rule that would explain how Valheria came back from the dead and saved conans life in the movie(you know, the big battle at the end " where two stood against many". I know it must be related to fate points
Thanks Mythos. I didn't know that. I havent read "THe Queen Of the Black Coast" but I have heard of that story. I'll be sure to read it when I get a chance. Thanks.
Iron Chef what does REH stand for? Also thanks for answering my question on Valeria.
Iron_Chef said:
Mythos said:
FYI, that entire aspect of the movie was stolen from, Queen of the Black Coast.

Practically everything in CtB was stolen from REH. :P

I wouldn't go so far as to say it was stolen, its not as if Conan the Barbarian was a blatant attempt to steal ideas and portray them as thier own but under another name... the film was obviously intended as a Tribute to REH's great works, not a theft of his ideas.
Neo said:
Iron_Chef said:
Mythos said:
FYI, that entire aspect of the movie was stolen from, Queen of the Black Coast.

Practically everything in CtB was stolen from REH. :P

I wouldn't go so far as to say it was stolen, its not as if Conan the Barbarian was a blatant attempt to steal ideas and portray them as thier own but under another name... the film was obviously intended as a Tribute to REH's great works, not a theft of his ideas.

I meant that rather than attempt to retell any one REH story, they just stole bitys and pieces from a bunch of stories and cobbled them together to make CtB. That doesn't mean that CtB is not a fantastic movie, but it does mean it is not faithful to the life and career of Conan as set forth by REH and others.
Iron_Chef said:
I meant that rather than attempt to retell any one REH story, they just stole bitys and pieces from a bunch of stories and cobbled them together to make CtB. That doesn't mean that CtB is not a fantastic movie, but it does mean it is not faithful to the life and career of Conan as set forth by REH and others.

CtB would have been worth it for the soundtrack alone imo :) But i loved the movie, second one wasn't great.. and i'm sure glad they changed thier minds about citing Red Sonja as Conan 3 all those years ago.

But accurate to the books or not, it is accurate to the character in many ways, which is what counts more for me. I mean i can read the books if i want to know those stories. Having a film based on the books is almost always disappointing for some people as they tend to expect a straight out page for page re-creation on screen, which is never feasible.

However by just taking an idea here and an idea there from many books they produced something unqiue yet familiar, which was great to watch.

Had some great casting too, James Earl Jones was the bomb! he just has one of those memorable voices.
I greatly enjoyed both Conan movies , Both aremuch better than a lot of the pastiches IMO. As for Red Sonja loved the comic, never saw the movie or the novels set in Hyborian age, but did read the story by Howard from which she was based. It was ok not his best but better than the Pastiches.

Hmm...Maybe I'm a bit prejudiced against the Pastiches.
Did Howard write about red sonja? Do you remember the story? I thought she was a comic book invention.
bolen said:
Did Howard write about red sonja? Do you remember the story? I thought she was a comic book invention.

Red Sonya was an REH character, an adventuress in 16th century Turkey (this single story, Shadow Of The Vulture, is featured in ECHOES OF VALOR III, edited by Karl Edward Wagner). Red Sonja is a Marvel Comics character based on REH's Red Sonya. Note the different spellings: Sonya = REH, Sonja = Marvel.
Neo said:
But accurate to the books or not, it is accurate to the character in many ways, which is what counts more for me. I mean i can read the books if i want to know those stories.

Accurate to the character? Gah!

I hated the first Conan movie with a passion. The books introduced me to a fiery young barbarian who hacked his way into history with indomitable will.

The film showed a kid who developed his muscles pushing a wheel, was trained to fight by specific people and had to be driven snivelling away from his life as a pit fighter.

I couldn't recognise the character they protrayed in the film as the Conan I knew from *any* of the books!
