"Denizens I" Teaser



Every system, every planet needs someone to live, work, and thrive in it. “Denizens I” provides just that. Not just people but, characters, people with something to lose, something to gain, and something that could enrich the lives of your player.

Here is a low res partial cover of my new book, "Denizens I". It will be released in August at Gen Con Indy 2009.
Damm, I didn't get selected to work in the WotC Booth at Gencon, which means no meeting the folks from Mongoose or checking out this new book.

Sometimes I really hate our economy.

The man was an imposing figure, muscular, broad with little spare fat on his thick limbed frame. He was bald and had a small rich silk cloth head covering on his head. He was dressed in form fitting silks and light impact armor covered in intricate gilded filigree. He faced a stunningly beautiful lady in her thirties who could have passed for someone ten years younger. She was dressed in a simply decorated though form fitting tunic that did nothing to conceal her graceful movements and lithe frame.

“I am Cram, merchant captain of the Blue Swooper, one of the finest ships in operation on the trade routes. I’ve delivered precious cargo from the Coreworlds to the most obscure areas of the Foreven sector. My ships have never lost a cargo and I’ve vowed to die before I let pirates capture me or my crew. I promise you encounters with pirates, a visit to iceworld Bhessey, and unrelenting pressure to be your best. My contact Cvulo Pantu said you came highly recommended, a top grade combat surgeon from Biaxal. I hope cargo Master Pantu is not mistaken about you. ”

Dame Angela gazed at him with the soul penetrating look of an experienced combat surgeon who had seen horrors and wonders in her years in the Biaxal naval service. “Master Cram,” she intoned dryly as if explaining a simple lesson to a school boy, “You’ve seen my record. If you need a practical demonstration of my skill, perhaps you can arrange for one of your Shedir Brother security force to shoot you in the leg and I’ll get you patched up before dinner.” She delivered her statement with total dead pan confidence that momentarily caught the usually never unbalance master merchant by surprise. Her wide, beautiful eyes looked at him expecting a swift answer.

A wry grin crept on his stern face and he burst into laughter slamming a palm down on the table in mirth, “A sense of humor after my own heart! No Dame Angela, there will be shooting aplenty by the time your tour is up with me. You’ll more than earn your top price. “

K-studios presents Denizens 1: A Traveler supplement taking you into the Foreven sector. Populated with a gallery of characters from uncharted worlds, new cultures, rendered and written in exquisite detail, Denizens promises a wealth of adventure and exploration. Recapture the fun of uncovering uncharted territory and meeting new and unique NPCs from newly created worlds in Foreven sector. Denizens is our first in series of upcoming Traveler supplements designed to enhance your enjoyment of the best role playing game in Science Fiction!

On sale now.
"Denizens II: Biaxial" is in layout now and is waiting for images and a few more written components. We are looking at a release date in about six weeks. I would like to get a third book out before the end of the year.

Before that I would like to get a few more books sold and then get the electronic copy up on a few websites. With that said, I have full color books still available. :lol: :D :D
Kharum said:
Send me an email at Kharum@gmail.com.

Someday I will buy this, but I would like to know: how much is it; is it PDF-Only or available in hardcopy; how many pages does it have?
Great questions. It is available now in soft cover color print and with luck available in the next few weeks as a PDF (which seems to be the way to go now a days). Price for the soft cover is $20 and has a page count of 68. Not sure what the PDF price is going to be just yet. I need to talk that over with RPGNow folks.

Thanks for asking.
Why yes I do and they are less expensive than lulu. I might suggest that you buy directly from me. At less than 60% of the cost of LuLu it is a steal.