Vivid (and often lyrical) descriptions are as much a part of a Conan story as any other esential element, so by borrowing from such sources as the most excelent DONJON rpg( I have cooked up a simple mechanic-based and reinforced player description system. It works like so:
When a roll beats the DC by 3 or more points, the player who rolled it gets to make one fact-based declaration about the outcome of his roll which is then writ into the setting. Ever full 3 points by which the DC is exceded adds 1 additional Fact.
Each Fact = a +1 or -1 to a single type of roll which persists for at least the rest of the immediate scene. These fact-based modifiers are cumulative up to a max of +5 or -5 to one type of roll.
Alternatly, the fact can be a simple addition to the scene or a special effect unrelated to dice rolls which then becomes part of the scene.
Here is how it could work.
On Attack:
Sergus the Outcast leaps to his feet after being insulted beyond all tolerance by a Nemidian knight while calmly drinking himself into oblivion in his favorite inn. He wins initiative, and rolls a total of 24 to clout the arrogant noble about the head with a joint of mutton. The knight's Dodge is 12, and Sergus's roll beats this by 12 points- this equates to 4 Facts.
Sergus's player than narates these facts:
"The joint of meat catches him underneath the chin and snaps his head back" (+1 to the damage)
"Hot fat and juices splash into his eyes" (-1 to the knight's Attack)
"He stumbles backwards, off ballance" (-1 to Attack)
"He bites his tongue so badly he can hardly form coherent words" (can't speak coherently).
In addition to the damage, the Knight would then be at -2 to hit due to being off ballance and having eyes filled with grease.
When a roll beats the DC by 3 or more points, the player who rolled it gets to make one fact-based declaration about the outcome of his roll which is then writ into the setting. Ever full 3 points by which the DC is exceded adds 1 additional Fact.
Each Fact = a +1 or -1 to a single type of roll which persists for at least the rest of the immediate scene. These fact-based modifiers are cumulative up to a max of +5 or -5 to one type of roll.
Alternatly, the fact can be a simple addition to the scene or a special effect unrelated to dice rolls which then becomes part of the scene.
Here is how it could work.
On Attack:
Sergus the Outcast leaps to his feet after being insulted beyond all tolerance by a Nemidian knight while calmly drinking himself into oblivion in his favorite inn. He wins initiative, and rolls a total of 24 to clout the arrogant noble about the head with a joint of mutton. The knight's Dodge is 12, and Sergus's roll beats this by 12 points- this equates to 4 Facts.
Sergus's player than narates these facts:
"The joint of meat catches him underneath the chin and snaps his head back" (+1 to the damage)
"Hot fat and juices splash into his eyes" (-1 to the knight's Attack)
"He stumbles backwards, off ballance" (-1 to Attack)
"He bites his tongue so badly he can hardly form coherent words" (can't speak coherently).
In addition to the damage, the Knight would then be at -2 to hit due to being off ballance and having eyes filled with grease.