Psionic Skill Levels ?


So, I am currently running Mysteries of the Ancients Campaign for my players. On page 156 of the MOTA campaign book, Diusk is listed as having a B level of psionics. His stats block shows Telepathy-1, Teleportation-3.... [ UPP: 77897B ]

How in the hell did he get those ? I scoured the MOTA campaign book and also the Alien Module-2 for Droyne character creation. I don't see how you can rank in this skill ? I mean there are psionic checks for the various telepathy powers, so he gets a +1 to the checks due to his B stat for Psionics. Where do you acquire skill levels in Psionics? Was this just drawn up for these specific characters ? Do you use XP to advance these skills ? I have no idea how they came up with this stat block ???

Thx - Rick.
So, I am currently running Mysteries of the Ancients Campaign for my players. On page 156 of the MOTA campaign book, Diusk is listed as having a B level of psionics. His stats block shows Telepathy-1, Teleportation-3.... [ UPP: 77897B ]

How in the hell did he get those ? I scoured the MOTA campaign book and also the Alien Module-2 for Droyne character creation. I don't see how you can rank in this skill ? I mean there are psionic checks for the various telepathy powers, so he gets a +1 to the checks due to his B stat for Psionics. Where do you acquire skill levels in Psionics? Was this just drawn up for these specific characters ? Do you use XP to advance these skills ? I have no idea how they came up with this stat block ???

Thx - Rick.
All Droynes recieve psionic testing upon casting, thus they all roll their PSI and are trained before their 1st career. (AoCS2, p165 & p191)
Each caste is a career and each career allows to learn & improve psionic skills (if you have INT 6+). (AoCS2, p194 for the Worker)
In essence, all Droynes are psionics and can improve their psionic skills.
I get that Droyne can gain access to additional skills post initial training. How do they gain ranks in those skills ? I am looking at the AoCS2 Page 194 for the Worker Droyne. Under Useful Worker Table [ INT6+ ]. If I roll on this table , does this grant a rank ie- skill level in a given psionic discipline or does this just grant access to that branch of psionics ?

For example let's say I have a PSI strength of B [ 11 ] and I was initially tested and I gained telepathy and awareness. Now I am a Worker on pg 194. If I rolled a 6 , do I get access to "new" skills like can I pick teleportation ? That's how I read it.... So, that means I now have access to teleportation now Teleportation-1? or just access to that branch of psionics ....... Am I missing something? In the old school Traveller Alien Module 5 - The Droyne Page 24, when Psionics is rolled on the tables you select a psionic skill , ie- you gain access to that branch.... Its not conferring a skill level in that branch of psionics. Its granting you access to that entire branch.

Can one of the Mongoose folks weigh in on this? I have attached the stat block for Diusk. My question is this? How can he be ranked in teleportation [ Teleportation-3 ] ? If you tried to build this character I don't think you could using the basic rules from AoCS2 or CRB. Unless I am missing something / or interpreting the tables wrong... they look to me the same as the ones from GDW-259 [ Alien Module-5 ] printed in 1985.

Thanks - Rick.


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The "Any Psionic Skill" result on the Droyne career tables can be used to raise an existing psionic skill by 1, just as a psionic skill result on other career tables does. It might instead be used to test for a talent the character does not already have, but that might often be sub-optimal for a Droyne character.
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Thx Saladman, I think this was the answer I was looking for. I assumed it opened up a new branch, but looks like you can boost a discipline by 1 skill level as well.