I found on this homepage a product called "Crusades of Valour": has someone used it and can give some info how it would work with CONAN?
I'm thinking of some Mitra-fanatics usurping power in a Hyborian Kingdom (directly or as power behind the throne) and starting a crusade against the Ishtar heresy that begins in the kingdom (against heretic barons & liberal towns) and escalates in a full war against one of the Ishtar-believing Hyborian kingdoms. Of course there are political and economical reasons, too (long cultivated hate against another noble, who is - fortunately - a Ishtar-believer; Kothian gold mines and trade routes are targets, that can be conquered under the veil of religious righteousness).
Surely some Shemitic cities will support the attacked kingdom, while others value their trade relations higher and stay neutral or will even lend their Ashuri to the best paying customer - regardless who it is). Stygian priests will try to play their own game covertly. And Turan will try to conquer parts of the weakened opponents in the end.
It could be interesting to have among the crusaders true believers and religious fanatics next to pragmatic nobles, who only want baronies for their own, and hired Ashuris or wild nomads, who have no other interest than loot.
Of course the word "crusade" would be inappropriate, since the Mitran symbol isn't a cross (Latin: crux, nece crusade).
O.K., back to my question: can someone tell me, if "Crusades of Valour" would be useful?
I'm thinking of some Mitra-fanatics usurping power in a Hyborian Kingdom (directly or as power behind the throne) and starting a crusade against the Ishtar heresy that begins in the kingdom (against heretic barons & liberal towns) and escalates in a full war against one of the Ishtar-believing Hyborian kingdoms. Of course there are political and economical reasons, too (long cultivated hate against another noble, who is - fortunately - a Ishtar-believer; Kothian gold mines and trade routes are targets, that can be conquered under the veil of religious righteousness).
Surely some Shemitic cities will support the attacked kingdom, while others value their trade relations higher and stay neutral or will even lend their Ashuri to the best paying customer - regardless who it is). Stygian priests will try to play their own game covertly. And Turan will try to conquer parts of the weakened opponents in the end.
It could be interesting to have among the crusaders true believers and religious fanatics next to pragmatic nobles, who only want baronies for their own, and hired Ashuris or wild nomads, who have no other interest than loot.
Of course the word "crusade" would be inappropriate, since the Mitran symbol isn't a cross (Latin: crux, nece crusade).
O.K., back to my question: can someone tell me, if "Crusades of Valour" would be useful?