T4 Pocket Empires


Cosmic Mongoose
I saw Pocket Empires offered on the Ebooks from Traveller 4 (T4) and I just got it. Since my players and I love trade I like how it really leans into that gameplay. Chapter Two of the book starts out with, "The majority of Pocket Empire rulers are members of a family, corporation, council, religious group or other large concern. Rulers change with time; it is their foundation in a much larger organization that provides the long-term continuity necessary for a successful Pocket Empire."

My players have a company associated with their ship that I see growing to a corporate level.

If the players are good with it I'd like to use this book for that strategic level of gameplay. I think their Travellers would make good use of the Planetary Development Chapter and maybe the War Chapter.

Has anyone who used or read Pocket Empires give some advice or "war stories" on use of the book?
I saw Pocket Empires offered on the Ebooks from Traveller 4 (T4) and I just got it. Since my players and I love trade I like how it really leans into that gameplay. Chapter Two of the book starts out with, "The majority of Pocket Empire rulers are members of a family, corporation, council, religious group or other large concern. Rulers change with time; it is their foundation in a much larger organization that provides the long-term continuity necessary for a successful Pocket Empire."

My players have a company associated with their ship that I see growing to a corporate level.

If the players are good with it I'd like to use this book for that strategic level of gameplay. I think their Travellers would make good use of the Planetary Development Chapter and maybe the War Chapter.

Has anyone who used or read Pocket Empires give some advice or "war stories" on use of the book?
I have no advice (I only just got it as a pdf myself), but I'm happy you're having fun!
I think Pocket Empires was a great addition to Traveller. It gave you a new perspective from which to game, either in YTU or the OTU. No longer grunt-level but system-level.
Although I'm repeating myself from another thread, I think a spreadsheet makes PE easier and more accessible (one is here: https://www.bitsuk.net/Archive/Softfiles/Softfiles.html) - a professional spreadsheet for a MgT version would be incredible.
I'd add that Imperial Squadrons is an essential companion work to Pocket Empires. Together you have the stuff of Dulinor's dreams!

And, as others have said, get the T4 errata!
I do know that the Far Future Enterprises T4 collection includes a PDF with the consolidated T4 Errata, but I don't own it and even if I did, I don't think it'd be... legal...? to share it here, alas.

[Edit: Oh wait, I *do* own it! It was bundled with the T4 Bundle of Holding package! Huzzah! [Beat] Still likely illegal to share it though...]
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I do know that the Far Future Enterprises T4 collection includes a PDF with the consolidated T4 Errata, but I don't own it and even if I did, I don't think it'd be... legal...? to share it here, alas.
"COPYRIGHT NOTICEConsolidated T4 Errata is Copyright 2011 Don McKinney, and cannot be republished or distributed without my consent; explicit consent is given to Far Future Enterprises for any purpose. The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright 1977 — 2011 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits websites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises‘ copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this website and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it"

I am not a lawyer, so I don't know. I will repost this here and let you guys figure it out. lol
That's one of the things about Traveller that has stood the test of time... The writing of the game, be it canon or fanon, is almost always top notch. There is as much to be gained for your game buying the older stuff as there is buying the newest stuff.
I don't believe anyone will have an issue with you posting an errata for a previous edition on this forum.

Alright, but if the litigators come I'll point'em at you! :p

The T4 Consolidated Errata was originally compiled by the late, great Don McKinney.


Some of that I have seen elsewhere. Some of it just makes me think what on earth were they doing?

They had FF&Sv2 and didn't use it for vehicle, starships (which was re-written, twice over), weapons.

But as I have said before there is a lot of good stuff in there.
Some of that I have seen elsewhere. Some of it just makes me think what on earth were they doing?

They had FF&Sv2 and didn't use it for vehicle, starships (which was re-written, twice over), weapons.

But as I have said before there is a lot of good stuff in there.
Sad, crazy times. Greg Porter wanted his own "gear" system for one.

To be fair, FF&Sv2 wasn't available until well into the T4 era - although FF&Sv1 was of course.
Alright, but if the litigators come I'll point'em at you! :p

The T4 Consolidated Errata was originally compiled by the late, great Don McKinney.
Wow! Thanks for posting this, I am still reading Pocket Empires and am now thinking of re-reading some parts because of the errata. Have you ever used it in a campaign?