The maps in Road of Kings are great, but they completely boned Nemedia again! No other Hyborian map I have ever seen reduces Nemedia to a fraction of the size of Aquilonia as these maps do. From the originals of Howard to the other novel maps, through Marvel Conan and Savage Sword, to the PBM and the TSR RPG, all the maps were consistent. Then Steve Jackson's Conan map got wonky on the western border of Nemedia (which had prior always dropped straight south from the western verge of the Border Kingdom) and the overall size of Aquilonia increased dramatically -- and the Mongoose map followed suit. Not to mention the southern borders of Aquilonia and Nemedia are supposed to be about equal, yet Nemedia seems to run way too far south...
What sources are being used to change the size of Nemedia, and subsequently Brythunia, Corinthia, and Aquilonia?
And what happened to Koth, Khauran, and Zamora in the RoK maps? Khauran is waaay to far west, and Koth is much smaller than it should be.
Also, the "Four King's Cross" of Aquilonia, Ophir, Argos, and Zingara is also wrong; since when did Zingara have a trans-Alimane province? According to all prior maps (including the SJG Conan map) all four kingdoms are supposed to meet at the point where the Road of Kings crosses the Alimane... meaning Ophir has a trans-Khorotas province.
I hate to see these kinds of changes/errors creep in; the maps are otherwise beautiful.