Solomon Kane
English Puritan(race) Swashbucker(pirate) 14/Wanderer(borderer) 6
Hit Dice: 8+9d8+45+8+15 (121 hp)
Initiative: +22 (+8 Dex, +14 Ref save)
Speed: 30ft
DV (dodge): 32 (+13 level, +8 dex, +1 dodge)
DV (parry): 26 (+10 level, +5 str, +1 parry)
Str: 21
Dex: 26
Con: 21
Int: 22
Wis: 18
Cha: 19
Fort: +19
Ref: +22
Will: +10
Special Abilities/Feats:
Seamanship +3, Ferocious attack(additional attack, stun, blood and slaughter), Combat Expertise(Replacement for pirate code),
To sail a Road of Blood and Slaughter, Sneak attack +4d6, Sneak Subdual, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Improved Mobility, Bite Sword, Poison Resistance +2, Navigation, Track, Favored Terrain: Forest +2,
Improved Combat Styel: Two weapon style, Endurance, Die Hard, Brawl, Weapon Focus: Rapier, Weapon Focus: Pistol, Combat Reflexes, Demon Killer, Dodge, Greater and Improved Critical: Rapier, Parry, Quick draw, Sleep Mastery
Balance +17, Climb +28, Hide +17, Intimidate +9, Jump +13, Knowledge (history) +21, Listen +13,
Move Silently +31, Profession (Sailor) +21, Search +16, Sense Motive +9, Spot +18, Survival +20,
Swim +10, Tumble +25
2 Flintlock Pistols(OGL Steampunk)
Rapier 1d8 18-20/x2 AP 3 piercing
Dirk(as dagger)
Ju-Ju Staff:
Staff given to Kane by his blood brother N'Longa. It is wooden staff, but hard as iron, a cat shaped head at one end and a point on the other.
Stats as Hunting Spear.
Special: When an attack against a supernatural or cosmic being is successful, then the being is destroyed.
Special Changes
English Puritan:
Human from OGL Steampunk with following changes added:
Weapon Proficiency: Firearm(Pistol and Rifle)
Knowledge History is class skill.
Changed Pirate code to Combat Expertise
English Puritan(race) Swashbucker(pirate) 14/Wanderer(borderer) 6
Hit Dice: 8+9d8+45+8+15 (121 hp)
Initiative: +22 (+8 Dex, +14 Ref save)
Speed: 30ft
DV (dodge): 32 (+13 level, +8 dex, +1 dodge)
DV (parry): 26 (+10 level, +5 str, +1 parry)
Str: 21
Dex: 26
Con: 21
Int: 22
Wis: 18
Cha: 19
Fort: +19
Ref: +22
Will: +10
Special Abilities/Feats:
Seamanship +3, Ferocious attack(additional attack, stun, blood and slaughter), Combat Expertise(Replacement for pirate code),
To sail a Road of Blood and Slaughter, Sneak attack +4d6, Sneak Subdual, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Improved Mobility, Bite Sword, Poison Resistance +2, Navigation, Track, Favored Terrain: Forest +2,
Improved Combat Styel: Two weapon style, Endurance, Die Hard, Brawl, Weapon Focus: Rapier, Weapon Focus: Pistol, Combat Reflexes, Demon Killer, Dodge, Greater and Improved Critical: Rapier, Parry, Quick draw, Sleep Mastery
Balance +17, Climb +28, Hide +17, Intimidate +9, Jump +13, Knowledge (history) +21, Listen +13,
Move Silently +31, Profession (Sailor) +21, Search +16, Sense Motive +9, Spot +18, Survival +20,
Swim +10, Tumble +25
2 Flintlock Pistols(OGL Steampunk)
Rapier 1d8 18-20/x2 AP 3 piercing
Dirk(as dagger)
Ju-Ju Staff:
Staff given to Kane by his blood brother N'Longa. It is wooden staff, but hard as iron, a cat shaped head at one end and a point on the other.
Stats as Hunting Spear.
Special: When an attack against a supernatural or cosmic being is successful, then the being is destroyed.
Special Changes
English Puritan:
Human from OGL Steampunk with following changes added:
Weapon Proficiency: Firearm(Pistol and Rifle)
Knowledge History is class skill.
Changed Pirate code to Combat Expertise