I've been given permission from A Friend to post info on her Solo Traveller Campaign
But she insists I write it as she E-Mails it, so I have to put she or her GM rather then me or he
So here's her Character generation stuff and it starts on Drinax, uses Drinax Character Creation Rules and several adventures will be Regular Versions of Pirates of Drinax adventures
Term 1
Stat wise I rolled 8-1 or 7 for both Str and End, 2 2’s or 4 that I change to 2 5’s or 10 for Dex, 9+0 or 9 for Int, Edu 10+1 or 11 and Social Scale 12+1 or 13
I choose not to take A Career Package but will take A Background Package
So I choose to be from A Developed World
That nets me +1 Edu, Cr 10,000, A TL 10 Portable Computer and The Skills Admin /1 or +3, Advocate /0 or +2, Art /0 or +2, Diplomat /0 or +2, Drive -wheeled /1 or +2, Flyer /0 or +1, Profession -Art Dealer /1 or +3, Science -Biology /1 or +2 and Streetwise /0 or +1
Also 1
The GM lets me make 1D66 Rolls, choose the career they apply to, then choose the job within that career they apply to then determine the outcome as normal and can do this up to 1 time per year of my pre-campaign life or 8 times. But sadly I make no benefit rolls unless A Event allows it, shame, right guys
This is all to represent stuff that happened whilst I was, as The GM ruled, travelling far and wide learning, seeing, doing and experiencing stuff to make me a great man. But just like I said earlier sadly I make no benefit rolls unless A Event allows it, shame, right guys
The 4 Noble 1’s
Using the rules from Dilettante
A 63 on The Connoisseur Table
That means double the value of 1 of my portfolio items
A 23 on The Connoisseur Table
That means I get A Stipend worth Cr 5,000,000 that nets me Cr 37,500 per month
A 64 on The Humanitarian Table
That means I am offered A Ethics prize for my Work which nets me Cr 100,000, A Ship Share worth Cr 1,000,000 and guaranteed survival this term, that’s ignored
A 12 on The Adventurer Table
That means I’m cut off from my finances for a brief time and choose to get Stealth /1 or +2
The 4 Crime 1s
Using the rules from Scoundrel
A 51 on The Pirate Table
That means I hear rumors of a major mining operation, I investigate it, I roll 2 5’s, get 3 benefit rolls and with 2 4’s and A 1 or 11% ownership in A Pirate Ship or 5% paid off of The Harrier, which I take as 5% paid off of The Harrier
A 22 on The Smuggler Table
That means my cargo escapes. So I gain A Pet that I choose as A Talking very rare and very exotic Parrot
A 63 on The Wanderer Table
That means that I wander into the middle of a revolution and get Medic /1 or +3
Another 63, this time on The Smuggler Table
That means that my Ships Captain has died, which means I get 1D3 or 2 Ship Shares, but I also get my former Ships 1st Mate as A Rival, Which also means 7% paid off of The Harrier
Also 2
I’ve now changed my mind and, as a result, am taking A Career Package, but the others are using regular means. As well as which The 3D6 roll for years in that careers 2 1’s and A 5, so I’m only 18 +4 +7 or 29
I choose to go for A Noble, earns The Title of Most Senior Knight in Galactic History with A Very High Social Scale of 13 as well as The Title of Count of Drinax, which also has/comes with/gives A Social Scale of 13
He also nets +1 Edu and get Cr 100,000 as well as 3 Contacts that The GM makes SS 2D3+7 that end up as 1 SS 12 Noble, 1 SS 10 Administrator and 1 SS 10 Military Contact
As well as that my new or improved Skills are Admin /1 or +3, Advocate /1 or +3, Art –Dancing /0 or +1 and Sculpting /0 or +2, Broker /0 or +2, Carouse /1 or +3, Deception /0 or +1, Diplomat /2 or +4, Gambler /0 or +2, Leadership /2 or +4 and Persuade /1 or +3
As well as that for The 3 Skills from The GM’s Skills Table/package I take Gun Combat -Energy Rifles /1 or +2 and Melee -Blade /1 or +1 and Tactics /1 or +3
Actually The GM let me take 2D2 or 4 Levels of Skills from her table and 1D3 or 2 equivalents of A Connection, which explains my 4 /1 skills of Gun Combat -Energy Rifles /1 or +2, Melee -Blade /1 or +1, Vacc Suit /1 or +2 and Tactics /1 or +3 as well as why and how I raised Broker from /0 or +2 to /2 or +4
Using the newly added rules for increasing 3 Skills by a total of +5 points I choose to raise Diplomat /4 or +6, Leadership /4 or +6 and Gambler /1 or +3
Also 3
All in all value and similar wise my character starts with Cr 110,000 in cash as well as a portable computer
I also use The GM’s portfolio rules and net 1 Cr 25,000,000x2 or Cr 50,000,000 Huntng Estate that nets me Cr 125,000x2 or Cr 250,000 a month, 1 Cr 25,000,000 set of shares that nets me Cr 187,500 per month and 1 Cr 10,000,000 Business that makes champagne that nets me Cr 75,000 a month and A Stipend worth Cr 5,000,000 that nets
me Cr 37,500 per month
All in all and all things considered that gives my character a portfolio worth a total of Cr 60,000,000 that nets me a total of Cr 387,500 per month
The GM also let me make up to 4 Portfolio rolls, but all of them, even the bad 1’s counted. But luckily those 4 rolls where A 12 +A 9, A 11 +A 5, A 10 +A 3 and A 10 +A 3
But sacrificing using almost all of The 1 Cr 25,000,000 and 1 Cr 67,500,000 boosts or +Cr 92,500,000 to The Hunting Estate from The 12+9 and 11+5 to pay off Cr 48,500,000 of The Harriers mortgage. So all in all very good indeed, right guys, or at least I think so, again right guys
As well as which I then use the other Cr 44,000,000 was used to buy A Cr 22,000,000 Industrial Complex that nets me Cr 100,000 a month and A Cr 22,000,000 Business that nets me Cr 165,000 per month. So all in all very good indeed, right guys, or at least I think so, again right guys
That leaves Cr 4,500,000 +Cr 10,000, then 2 lots of Cr 10,000 gives me a initial Cr 4,710,000. So all in all my solo character is going to start out, now has started out, as a multi-millionaire. So all in all very good indeed, right guys, or at least I think so, again right guys
All in all that raised my portfolio to 1 of 1 Cr 50,000,000 Hunting Estate that nets me Cr 250,000 a month, 1 Cr 37,500,000 set of shares that nets me Cr 281,250 per month, 1 Cr 22,000,000 Industrial Complex that nets me Cr 100,000 a month, A Cr 22,000,000 Business that nets me Cr 165,000 per month, 1 Cr 19,500,000 Business that makes champagne that nets me Cr 146,250 month and 1 Cr 7,500,000 Stipend that nets me Cr 56,250 per month
All in all and all things considered that gives my character a portfolio worth a total of Cr 180,500,000 that nets me a total of Cr 998,500 per month before for costs, wages and taxes and Cr 199,700 taxes and wages and Cr 661,050 per month after. So all in all very good indeed, right guys, or at least I think so, again right guys
So all in all my solo character is going to start out, now has started out, as a multi-millionaire. So all in all very good indeed, right guys, or at least I think so, again right guys
Due to A Event Roll on The GM Made Events Table I start with a fully repaired Harrier with A 7 Ton Medical Bay, The 2nd triple turret has 2 Sandcaster and A Pulse Laser and 4 tons of Sandcaster Barrels
As well as that my 12 crew share 6 Double-Staterooms, I have The 7th and swap the 8th and 8 Low Berths for +6 Tons of Cargo Space, which gives 29.75 tons -11 Tons +6 Tons or 24.75 Tons of Cargo Space
But its not all good and that’s mainly cos that takes the mortgage I’ve got to pay off to Cr 343,552,500 +Cr 3,800,000 or Cr 347,352,500
The GM also lets me loot and keep 3 crates of 12 3 pint bottles of sherry, 3 Snub Pistols, 3 Flak Jackets, 3 TL 11 Vacc Suits, 1 Cutlass, 1 TL 12 Vacc Suit, 1 Sindallian Officers Cutlass, 1 Sindallian Officers Revolver with 5 spare clips of each type, 1 Breaching Gun, 1 Boarding Gun and 1 crate of 380 boxes of 200 cigarettes from its supplies
I also hire 12 Crew made up of 4 Marines, 2 Gunners, 1 Medic, 1 back-up engineer, 1 back-up pilot, 1 engineering officer, 1 piloting officer and 1 1st officer that all have A +3 DM in their 5 key-skills and A +2 DM in their 3 none-key skills
That gives monthly costs of Cr 26,940 for The Harrier and Cr 9,200x12 or Cr 110,800 for my 12 Crew of 4 Marines, 2 Gunners, 1 Medic, 1 back-up engineer, 1 back-up pilot, 1 engineering officer, 1 piloting officer and 1 1st officer that all have A +3 DM in their 5 key-skills and A +2 DM in their 3 none-key skills
That gives total monthly costs of Cr 26,940 +Cr 110,800 or Cr 137,740 for the ship and Cr 148,950 for 20% taxes. But still leaves me with Cr 744,750 -Cr 286,690 or Cr 458,060 per month
More stuff will follow when theirs enough to make it worth while. Also what do think so far
But she insists I write it as she E-Mails it, so I have to put she or her GM rather then me or he
So here's her Character generation stuff and it starts on Drinax, uses Drinax Character Creation Rules and several adventures will be Regular Versions of Pirates of Drinax adventures
Term 1
Stat wise I rolled 8-1 or 7 for both Str and End, 2 2’s or 4 that I change to 2 5’s or 10 for Dex, 9+0 or 9 for Int, Edu 10+1 or 11 and Social Scale 12+1 or 13
I choose not to take A Career Package but will take A Background Package
So I choose to be from A Developed World
That nets me +1 Edu, Cr 10,000, A TL 10 Portable Computer and The Skills Admin /1 or +3, Advocate /0 or +2, Art /0 or +2, Diplomat /0 or +2, Drive -wheeled /1 or +2, Flyer /0 or +1, Profession -Art Dealer /1 or +3, Science -Biology /1 or +2 and Streetwise /0 or +1
Also 1
The GM lets me make 1D66 Rolls, choose the career they apply to, then choose the job within that career they apply to then determine the outcome as normal and can do this up to 1 time per year of my pre-campaign life or 8 times. But sadly I make no benefit rolls unless A Event allows it, shame, right guys
This is all to represent stuff that happened whilst I was, as The GM ruled, travelling far and wide learning, seeing, doing and experiencing stuff to make me a great man. But just like I said earlier sadly I make no benefit rolls unless A Event allows it, shame, right guys
The 4 Noble 1’s
Using the rules from Dilettante
A 63 on The Connoisseur Table
That means double the value of 1 of my portfolio items
A 23 on The Connoisseur Table
That means I get A Stipend worth Cr 5,000,000 that nets me Cr 37,500 per month
A 64 on The Humanitarian Table
That means I am offered A Ethics prize for my Work which nets me Cr 100,000, A Ship Share worth Cr 1,000,000 and guaranteed survival this term, that’s ignored
A 12 on The Adventurer Table
That means I’m cut off from my finances for a brief time and choose to get Stealth /1 or +2
The 4 Crime 1s
Using the rules from Scoundrel
A 51 on The Pirate Table
That means I hear rumors of a major mining operation, I investigate it, I roll 2 5’s, get 3 benefit rolls and with 2 4’s and A 1 or 11% ownership in A Pirate Ship or 5% paid off of The Harrier, which I take as 5% paid off of The Harrier
A 22 on The Smuggler Table
That means my cargo escapes. So I gain A Pet that I choose as A Talking very rare and very exotic Parrot
A 63 on The Wanderer Table
That means that I wander into the middle of a revolution and get Medic /1 or +3
Another 63, this time on The Smuggler Table
That means that my Ships Captain has died, which means I get 1D3 or 2 Ship Shares, but I also get my former Ships 1st Mate as A Rival, Which also means 7% paid off of The Harrier
Also 2
I’ve now changed my mind and, as a result, am taking A Career Package, but the others are using regular means. As well as which The 3D6 roll for years in that careers 2 1’s and A 5, so I’m only 18 +4 +7 or 29
I choose to go for A Noble, earns The Title of Most Senior Knight in Galactic History with A Very High Social Scale of 13 as well as The Title of Count of Drinax, which also has/comes with/gives A Social Scale of 13
He also nets +1 Edu and get Cr 100,000 as well as 3 Contacts that The GM makes SS 2D3+7 that end up as 1 SS 12 Noble, 1 SS 10 Administrator and 1 SS 10 Military Contact
As well as that my new or improved Skills are Admin /1 or +3, Advocate /1 or +3, Art –Dancing /0 or +1 and Sculpting /0 or +2, Broker /0 or +2, Carouse /1 or +3, Deception /0 or +1, Diplomat /2 or +4, Gambler /0 or +2, Leadership /2 or +4 and Persuade /1 or +3
As well as that for The 3 Skills from The GM’s Skills Table/package I take Gun Combat -Energy Rifles /1 or +2 and Melee -Blade /1 or +1 and Tactics /1 or +3
Actually The GM let me take 2D2 or 4 Levels of Skills from her table and 1D3 or 2 equivalents of A Connection, which explains my 4 /1 skills of Gun Combat -Energy Rifles /1 or +2, Melee -Blade /1 or +1, Vacc Suit /1 or +2 and Tactics /1 or +3 as well as why and how I raised Broker from /0 or +2 to /2 or +4
Using the newly added rules for increasing 3 Skills by a total of +5 points I choose to raise Diplomat /4 or +6, Leadership /4 or +6 and Gambler /1 or +3
Also 3
All in all value and similar wise my character starts with Cr 110,000 in cash as well as a portable computer
I also use The GM’s portfolio rules and net 1 Cr 25,000,000x2 or Cr 50,000,000 Huntng Estate that nets me Cr 125,000x2 or Cr 250,000 a month, 1 Cr 25,000,000 set of shares that nets me Cr 187,500 per month and 1 Cr 10,000,000 Business that makes champagne that nets me Cr 75,000 a month and A Stipend worth Cr 5,000,000 that nets
me Cr 37,500 per month
All in all and all things considered that gives my character a portfolio worth a total of Cr 60,000,000 that nets me a total of Cr 387,500 per month
The GM also let me make up to 4 Portfolio rolls, but all of them, even the bad 1’s counted. But luckily those 4 rolls where A 12 +A 9, A 11 +A 5, A 10 +A 3 and A 10 +A 3
But sacrificing using almost all of The 1 Cr 25,000,000 and 1 Cr 67,500,000 boosts or +Cr 92,500,000 to The Hunting Estate from The 12+9 and 11+5 to pay off Cr 48,500,000 of The Harriers mortgage. So all in all very good indeed, right guys, or at least I think so, again right guys
As well as which I then use the other Cr 44,000,000 was used to buy A Cr 22,000,000 Industrial Complex that nets me Cr 100,000 a month and A Cr 22,000,000 Business that nets me Cr 165,000 per month. So all in all very good indeed, right guys, or at least I think so, again right guys
That leaves Cr 4,500,000 +Cr 10,000, then 2 lots of Cr 10,000 gives me a initial Cr 4,710,000. So all in all my solo character is going to start out, now has started out, as a multi-millionaire. So all in all very good indeed, right guys, or at least I think so, again right guys
All in all that raised my portfolio to 1 of 1 Cr 50,000,000 Hunting Estate that nets me Cr 250,000 a month, 1 Cr 37,500,000 set of shares that nets me Cr 281,250 per month, 1 Cr 22,000,000 Industrial Complex that nets me Cr 100,000 a month, A Cr 22,000,000 Business that nets me Cr 165,000 per month, 1 Cr 19,500,000 Business that makes champagne that nets me Cr 146,250 month and 1 Cr 7,500,000 Stipend that nets me Cr 56,250 per month
All in all and all things considered that gives my character a portfolio worth a total of Cr 180,500,000 that nets me a total of Cr 998,500 per month before for costs, wages and taxes and Cr 199,700 taxes and wages and Cr 661,050 per month after. So all in all very good indeed, right guys, or at least I think so, again right guys
So all in all my solo character is going to start out, now has started out, as a multi-millionaire. So all in all very good indeed, right guys, or at least I think so, again right guys
Due to A Event Roll on The GM Made Events Table I start with a fully repaired Harrier with A 7 Ton Medical Bay, The 2nd triple turret has 2 Sandcaster and A Pulse Laser and 4 tons of Sandcaster Barrels
As well as that my 12 crew share 6 Double-Staterooms, I have The 7th and swap the 8th and 8 Low Berths for +6 Tons of Cargo Space, which gives 29.75 tons -11 Tons +6 Tons or 24.75 Tons of Cargo Space
But its not all good and that’s mainly cos that takes the mortgage I’ve got to pay off to Cr 343,552,500 +Cr 3,800,000 or Cr 347,352,500
The GM also lets me loot and keep 3 crates of 12 3 pint bottles of sherry, 3 Snub Pistols, 3 Flak Jackets, 3 TL 11 Vacc Suits, 1 Cutlass, 1 TL 12 Vacc Suit, 1 Sindallian Officers Cutlass, 1 Sindallian Officers Revolver with 5 spare clips of each type, 1 Breaching Gun, 1 Boarding Gun and 1 crate of 380 boxes of 200 cigarettes from its supplies
I also hire 12 Crew made up of 4 Marines, 2 Gunners, 1 Medic, 1 back-up engineer, 1 back-up pilot, 1 engineering officer, 1 piloting officer and 1 1st officer that all have A +3 DM in their 5 key-skills and A +2 DM in their 3 none-key skills
That gives monthly costs of Cr 26,940 for The Harrier and Cr 9,200x12 or Cr 110,800 for my 12 Crew of 4 Marines, 2 Gunners, 1 Medic, 1 back-up engineer, 1 back-up pilot, 1 engineering officer, 1 piloting officer and 1 1st officer that all have A +3 DM in their 5 key-skills and A +2 DM in their 3 none-key skills
That gives total monthly costs of Cr 26,940 +Cr 110,800 or Cr 137,740 for the ship and Cr 148,950 for 20% taxes. But still leaves me with Cr 744,750 -Cr 286,690 or Cr 458,060 per month
More stuff will follow when theirs enough to make it worth while. Also what do think so far