[CONAN] New Conan RPG In The Works...WITH Vincent!!

The King said:
But the GM always can reject the demand of the player, can't he? Anyway it should be easier to tinker with this system than with the d20.

How do you figure? d20 is much more simple. Roll 1d20 for target or higher.
it is not the d20 system per se which is complicated, it is rather the constant need to calculate and recalculate the bonus and malus each time for the attacker as well as for the defender. This spoils all the fun.
The King said:
it is not the d20 system per se which is complicated, it is rather the constant need to calculate and recalculate the bonus and malus each time for the attacker as well as for the defender. This spoils all the fun.

I don't think I follow you here, either. The character is either making a standard attack or a Finesse attack, and those modifiers are clearly marked on the players' character sheet.

d20 + STR + BAB


d20 + DEX + BAB

What's hard about that? Players will know these by heart.

For stat blocks for NPCs and creatures, the total is already made for you.

GMs should always have these pre-calculated in a stat block.

So...I don't follow you.
This is the easiest example because it is the most basic one. I can do the same with any other system.

I really don't need the flow as the floods weren't bad.