[CONAN] New Conan RPG In The Works...WITH Vincent!!

I'm wondering whether Modiphius has an exclusive RPG licence for Conan. Does anyone know something about it?
INFO: for those who are still playing with the D20 rules and could be interested in the coming 2d20 system from Modiphius, Vincent (Darlage) did work on a conversion guide between both systems. which you can get there: http://www.mediafire.com/download/nfbcb7heslzhlud/Conan_d20to2d20_ConversionGuide.pdf

This means you can either use the new books with the old system and use the old Mongoose Conan books with the 2d20 rules. Great continuity indeed.
Just FYI--

The new Modiphius Conan rpg is out, and, Crom, does it stink the high heavens. The mechanics kill what would otherwise be a fine Hyborian Age rpg.
Supplement Four said:
Just FYI--

The new Modiphius Conan rpg is out, and, Crom, does it stink the high heavens. The mechanics kill what would otherwise be a fine Hyborian Age rpg.
I disagree. Anyway you can still use the conversion backward made by Vincent between the D20 and 2D20 systems.

You also forgot to mention that Modiphius released simultaneously an adventure book: Jeweled Thrones of the Earth.

Both the Core rules and the adventures book are available as pdf and the printed books should be released later (probably in Spring) with a batch of approx. 10 books.
I have both of the new releases. They'd take A LOT of work to convert. The systems are night and day.

I think a GM would be better off just taking a scenario and creating anything that needed rules from scratch within the Mongoose d20 Conan ruleset.

And, yeah, I really think the rules for the new Conan game stink.

I don't think the new game will be around long at all. Just as I doubt there will be that many supplements and adventures created for it--nothing near what d20 Conan has.
Supplement Four said:
I don't think the new game will be around long at all. Just as I doubt there will be that many supplements and adventures created for it--nothing near what d20 Conan has.
More than 20 books are already scheduled and they all have been financed by the Kicksstarter.
This was already taken into account. The KS garned £436 755, which is rather high an amount for an RPG. Furthermore, Modiphius also publish Achtung Cthulhu (and soon Star Trek) under licence. Eventual losses in one field should easily compensated in another.
I guess we'll see who is correct.

I hate that 2d20 System. It's awful.

And, I'm not the only one. I've seen lots of people negatively review it.
I think it is like the recent US presidential elections. According to the social networks, Mrs. Clinton would have been elected hands down. That was not the case.
The 2d20 system was polished with their Mutant Chronicles version and it seems they'll use it for their Star Trek game. I guess therefore they are pretty much confident in its success.
As to me, I don't know it well, I only skimmed through the core book but I wasn't shocked by anything. It is just a different system. If it pleases me, I'll use it, if not, I'll use my MRQ adaptation for Conan using my D20 to RQ conversion.
If they give up the licence later, I'll propose my version to Mongoose :mrgreen:
The sourcebook Conan the thief is soon complete. Illustrations are gorgeous. The approach is a different one than with the d20 (e.g. The Warrior's Companion). There are chapters dedicated to the thief as a profession, of course, including new ones as well as new skills, but there is also a gazetteer of 4 nations and their most known cities (Zamora and Shedizar) with several ideas for encounters and how to develop a thief campaign. In whole, I don't think their is much difference between both systems is the way to play. The 2d20 is probably less about techniques and numbers and probably less "graphic" for combats, but I think it can do the job (of entertaining) quite well.
What Modiphius calls Wave 1 was shipped. There are 8 books in whole (including 2 core books, one being the collector edition) + 1 GM screen. They are quite gorgeous and we can recognized some great names: Kevin Ross, who usually writes scenarios for Call of Cthulhu, but also some people who works for Mongoose: Jason Durall and Richard August as well as Vincent Darlage to a lesser extent.
After the relatively good work from Mongoose (there are master pieces as well as less useful books for those like me who don't like the d20 system) I am definitely happy that the Conan licence is living on, albeit with a new system which is probably smoother than the d20 because there aren't so many calculation each combat round. The use of tokens is almost mandatory though.
Supplement Four said:
From what I've been reading, the shine is wearing off the gimmicky 2d20 system, and those who don't like the system are starting to grow.
What reason do they put forward in their arguments?
The King said:
Supplement Four said:
From what I've been reading, the shine is wearing off the gimmicky 2d20 system, and those who don't like the system are starting to grow.
What reason do they put forward in their arguments?

One argument that I've seen from different groups are that the players tend to keep the Doom pool full. The players always buy extra dice, if they need them, and then just deal with whatever the GM throws at them using the Doom pool. In effect, the player characters always make their rolls.
I only skimmed though the rules (I'm currently on Cities of Hyboria), but it seems to me that only the GM has doom points while the player's uses fate points. They have a quite limited amount, though. Basically they serve a little bit as the fate points from the OGL system but are also used to get another dice.
I would say that if it's too easy for the players, then the GM doesn't offer enough challenges.
The King said:
I only skimmed though the rules (I'm currently on Cities of Hyboria), but it seems to me that only the GM has doom points while the player's uses fate points. They have a quite limited amount, though. Basically they serve a little bit as the fate points from the OGL system but are also used to get another dice.
I would say that if it's too easy for the players, then the GM doesn't offer enough challenges.

The player can ask for extra dice anytime he wants. If a player gets extra dice, then the GM gets 1 Doom point for every die the players get. The GM then uses Doom points to make things harder for the players.

It's really a silly system.
But the GM always can reject the demand of the player, can't he? Anyway it should be easier to tinker with this system than with the d20.