Classic Traveller now on our Website


Staff member
Genesis for the Traveller RPG is now on our website...

The complete range of core Classic Traveller is available as ebook downloads, from the Books 1-8 to the Alien Modules, box sets, and more.

More historical Traveller to come!

Are you planning for these books to be available in print in any fashion (i.e. not necessarily in their original LBB form) at some point?
It would be nice if Mongoose revived the omnibus print editions. Technology has moved on since the old scans were made, so a project to clean them up for republication would be welcome.I'm not sure if there is any money to be made in doing this though.
Does that mean your authors will read it before making up stuff that contradicts CT canon? ;)

By the way I am really glad you are hosting all this :)
Siggy, there's been growth and changes in every single growth spurt of Traveller.
CT isn't the be-all and end-all, it's the beginning. Some things have grown and developed. If it came out under the GDW banner, it's OTU. You don't like how some things changed in MegaTraveller. I don't like Virus. But both are the OTU, period full-stop.
But no referee has EVER used a milieu entirely as written with no interpretations or changes. And no milieu survives contact with player characters anyway. We all forge 'the universe' differently.
The only constant in life is change, my friend, and Traveller is not gonna retcon itself back to basics. Neither Mongoose nor FarFuture are Disney, thank the stars. Enjoy the CT stuff. It was put there for just that purpose.
There's a difference between growth and contradiction. If you say that the religious dictatorship on Jokotre was overthrown and now it's a balkanized world or the Archdiocese of Ram has been replaced by the Matriarchate of Ewe, that's growth. If you just print a new book and your write up on Jokotre just no longer refers to the Archdiocese of Ram at all, that's contradiction.
This is where a glossary and sources/research section would be very helpful. Similar to how the wiki does that.
Siggy, there's been growth and changes in every single growth spurt of Traveller.
CT isn't the be-all and end-all, it's the beginning. Some things have grown and developed. If it came out under the GDW banner, it's OTU. You don't like how some things changed in MegaTraveller. I don't like Virus. But both are the OTU, period full-stop.
But no referee has EVER used a milieu entirely as written with no interpretations or changes. And no milieu survives contact with player characters anyway. We all forge 'the universe' differently.
The only constant in life is change, my friend, and Traveller is not gonna retcon itself back to basics. Neither Mongoose nor FarFuture are Disney, thank the stars. Enjoy the CT stuff. It was put there for just that purpose.
MWM himself states that he is bound by canon - the least MgT authors could do is read it before making stuff up based on fanon, headcanon, houserules.
MWM himself states that he is bound by canon - the least MgT authors could do is read it before making stuff up based on fanon, headcanon, houserules.
Yeah I agree but he also ret-cons as he sees fit.

"Errata Incorporated" should be a megacorp in the OTU 🙃
MWM himself states that he is bound by canon - the least MgT authors could do is read it before making stuff up based on fanon, headcanon, houserules.
I should point out that, despite MgMatt's assertions, I've maintained all along that much of Mongoose's production ISN'T specific 'canon'. But to their credit it's creative and internally consistent with itself... and GDW was not always able to achieve that last part. I mean, the statement 'the results of the Fifth Frontier War are not set in stone' is nonsense. It IS 'set in stone', just like Virus is set in stone. You can choose to change it if you wish as a referee or author, but from an 'official' position these things happened.
That doesn't mean that I don't like Mongoose Traveller. If a dollar is a vote, I've voted pretty heavily on the 'pro-Mongoose' ticket and I will continue to do so. But their timeline and narrative is not identical to GDW's and there's nothing wrong with that. The same goes for the late Loren Wiseman's work for SJG.
Lol, MgT stuff is not internally consistent. There are different rules for the same thing in different books, sometimes written by the same author.
Prove me wrong, reproduce the weapons from the core rules using the weapon design rules and get the same numbers (something you could do in FF&S mostly).

As to the outcome of the FFW - most of the board games I have played end with a Zhodani victory.
Lol, MgT stuff is not internally consistent. There are different rules for the same thing in different books, sometimes written by the same author.
Prove me wrong, reproduce the weapons from the core rules using the weapon design rules and get the same numbers (something you could do in FF&S mostly).

As to the outcome of the FFW - most of the board games I have played end with a Zhodani victory.
Clearly your games didn't give Norris his due as an amazing genius and polymath able to turn around entire sectors with his mighty will. :P
Hey, Norris is NOTHING compared to Avery... lol! I love MJD's writing generally speaking, but his 'Bearers of the Flame' /Traveller 1240 series has so much 'Deus' in the 'Machina' that it might as well be a Polynesian tiki god...
pod for the omnibus books perhaps?
That would be reasonable, but it still takes time and effort to clean the scans to the required standard for POD. The FFE facsimile edition of the three core LLBs is a good start (even if it has a white Maybe test the water with a PoD volume combining Mercenary, High Guard, and Scouts?
That would be reasonable, but it still takes time and effort to clean the scans to the required standard for POD. The FFE facsimile edition of the three core LLBs is a good start (even if it has a white Maybe test the water with a PoD volume combining Mercenary, High Guard, and Scouts?
The Facsimile Edition is a great value, and really nice to have at the table, throw in your backpack, etc.
Lol, MgT stuff is not internally consistent. There are different rules for the same thing in different books, sometimes written by the same author.
Prove me wrong, reproduce the weapons from the core rules using the weapon design rules and get the same numbers (something you could do in FF&S mostly).

As to the outcome of the FFW - most of the board games I have played end with a Zhodani victory.
Wow - I'd like to know the opposing Zhodani and Imperial strategies, because most of the FFW games I've played ended in the Zhodani/Outworld Coalition failing to achieve their objectives (although we did allow those little tricks like setting up the TL16 mercenary unit on the one world that means the entire Swordie attack is derailed (due to the TL difference modifier rules).