Clans of the Aslan: Errata


Emperor Mongoose
Table of contents: "Aslan Leader" probably isn't intended to be an entry, especially since the pages it covers have the same "Creating a Clan" tab that the preceding pages do.
Hlyueawi, pg. 109: Last paragraph, change ‘The current Hlyueawiko, the i 17th’, to ‘The current Hlyueawiko, the 17th’.

Tlerlearlyo, pg. 125: Paragraph starting ‘The new clan leader . . .’, change ‘The clan leader’s third wife, i (b. 1057)’ to ‘The clan leader’s third wife, Aihkea’ (b. 1057)’.

Tralyeaeawi, pg. 127:
Final paragraph, change ‘She reports to Clan Admiral i, who reports only to Tralyeaeawiko himself.’ to ‘She reports to Clan Admiral Hoiyoa, who reports only to Tralyeaeawiko himself.'

Uawairlew, pg. 127: Change 'Status: F (29th)' to 'Status: D (577th)'.

The Ulol Job, pg. 144: Change ‘Mission: i approaches’ to ‘Mission: Htaukui approaches’.
Wahtoi, pg. 128: In the Capital entry delete the 0 immediately before 'Wahtoikoeakh (Riftspan Reaches 2936, A773A87-E)'.
Ilekhahke Map, pg. 158: Change label of 'Loakhtarl' to 'Hkerlyal'. Change 'Hkerlyal' to 'Oiyeka'. Change 'Toitreaa' to 'Stoitreaa'.
Oifuerr, pg. 180: In the last paragraph, change the sentence 'They chose to make an example of the Wyaholeah Arcology, a target with no military or industrial value but one holding important cultural significance to the Aslan as the site where the Oifuerr is believed to have died' to 'They chose to make an example of the Wyaholeah Arcology, a target with no military or industrial value but one holding important cultural significance to the Aslan as the site where Oifuerr is believed to have died'.
@Garnfellow I think I've spot what might be a small chronology mistake on page 147;

In 1087, when the Tralyeaeawi seized an Ouokhoi freighter in high orbit, the Aokhalte declared a second clan war in response. This time the Syoisuis clan would serve as arbiter and the initial rules for the war limited all fighting to within 100 diameters of Kekakh and prevented the use of weapons of mass destruction on population centres. Otherwise, there were no limits on number, size or technology of forces.
The subsequent hot war was catastrophic. Yulraleh bombers levelled Aokhalte cities with thermobaric weapons, while Ouokhoi missiles levelled Tralyeaeawi cities with similar payloads; both flew sortie after sortie of aerospace fighters. Wave after wave of Aokhalte conscripts and legions of Sahao’ assault troops were thrown at Tralyeaeawi fortifications. The rival starports were both destroyed within the first few months of fighting; by 1086 the clan naval bases on the moons of Khta and Khtoilral had also been destroyed. Squadrons from both sides fought several inconclusive battles within the Kekakh 100 diameter limit, at the dear cost of many precious spacecraft. Communication and military satellites in low orbit were systematically obliterated.

The clan naval bases were destroyed before the start of the second clan war, which could either be a mistake or a result from the previous war, which is not entirely clear.

Additionally, on page 153 the following is stated:
The Imperium also maintains a nearby embassy; the delegation is led by Dame Tashiken Lero, a veteran of the Scout Service. Fittingly, the scouts have a large planetside continent, as Uayer is an important staging area for IISS rimward expeditions.

Is 'continent' correct, or should it say 'contingent' here? It is an Aslan Tlaukhu clan's homeworld, after all.
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Caught another one; Page 166 states the following:
The discovery of the trans-rift route in -1066 brought tremendous trade wealth into Hlakhoi, allowing Yolyetau to grow into an industrial hub for the distant Aslan Colonies.

I believe that should be -1044, not -1066.