In 1087, when the Tralyeaeawi seized an Ouokhoi freighter in high orbit, the Aokhalte declared a second clan war in response. This time the Syoisuis clan would serve as arbiter and the initial rules for the war limited all fighting to within 100 diameters of Kekakh and prevented the use of weapons of mass destruction on population centres. Otherwise, there were no limits on number, size or technology of forces.
The subsequent hot war was catastrophic. Yulraleh bombers levelled Aokhalte cities with thermobaric weapons, while Ouokhoi missiles levelled Tralyeaeawi cities with similar payloads; both flew sortie after sortie of aerospace fighters. Wave after wave of Aokhalte conscripts and legions of Sahao’ assault troops were thrown at Tralyeaeawi fortifications. The rival starports were both destroyed within the first few months of fighting; by 1086 the clan naval bases on the moons of Khta and Khtoilral had also been destroyed. Squadrons from both sides fought several inconclusive battles within the Kekakh 100 diameter limit, at the dear cost of many precious spacecraft. Communication and military satellites in low orbit were systematically obliterated.