I want to make sure I understand the character creation rules. I've never played Traveller, I got a ton of PDFs (and, hopefully soon, some physical books) from backing the Great Rift Kickstarter. I think my notation is pretty clear, but please don't hesitate to ask.
I started by rolling 2d6, six times, and assigning those numbers to the six attributes:

I started by rolling 2d6, six times, and assigning those numbers to the six attributes:
So, she's in average physical shape, but smart and well-educated; she's also a little rough around the edges, socially. She probably doesn't get invited to high tea very often.3
STR 6 (+0)
DEX 8 (+0)
END 8 (+0)
INT 10 (+1)
EDU 10 (+1) (+1 graduation)
SOC 3 (-1) (+1 graduation w/ honors) (+1 Personal Development)

She gets four background skills. I decided she (the character's name is Hannah Cooper, if you're curious) came from a working-class family in which both her parents are technicians.Background Skills
Drive 0
Electronics 0
Mechanic 0
Streetwise 0
Hannah squeaks past the entrance exams to her homeworld's naval academy, but applies herself in her courses and graduates with honors. Her future seems bright! My first question is this: does the Mechanic 0 she gains from basic training stack with her background skill, giving her Mechanic 1?Age 18
Pre-Career Education: Military Academy (Navy)
Entry: INT 9+ (9)
Event: 7 (Life Event)
Life Event: 5 (Improved Relationship - gain 1 Ally)
Service Skills:
Pilot 0
Vacc Suit 0
Athletics 0
Gunner 0
Mechanic 0 (1?)
Gun Combat 0
Graduation: INT 8+ (+1 END 8+) (11 - with honors!)
Entering His Majesty's Navy as Ensign Cooper; her performance at the academy guarantees her a commission. Hannah is clearly a bright spark, impressing her CO and earning a promotion.Age 22
Term 1: Navy Career (Line/Crew)
Qualification: INT 6+ (Automatic success - military academy)
Commission: SOC 8+ (Automatic success - graduation w/ honors)
Rank: Ensign (bonus: Melee (blade) 1)
Survival: INT 5+ (9)
Event: 11 (CO takes an interest... - Tactics (naval) 1)
Advancement: EDU 7+ (12 - promotion to Sublieutenant)
Skills & Training: Advanced Education (6 - Admin 1)
Skills & Training (extra roll from Advancement): Line/Crew (1 - Electronics 1)
I decide that Sublieutenant Cooper is one of the ship's computer-systems officers; her special assignment is overseeing an upgrade of the ship's tactical software. She sticks the landing, and is promoted again. She also seems to be a member of the ship's fencing club.Age 26
Term 2: Navy Career (Line/Crew)
Rank: Sublieutenant (bonus: Leadership 1)
Survival: INT 5+ (9)
Event: 4 (Special assignment - DM+1 to one Benefit roll)
Advancement: EDU 7+ (8 - promotion to Lieutenant)
Skills & Training: Personal Development (6 - SOC +1)
Skills & Training (extra roll from Advancement): Officer (4 - Melee (blade) 2)

Disaster! I haven't worked out the nature of the accident, but obviously it wasn't really Lt. Cooper's fault. Another officer, a snot-nosed scion of the aristocracy no doubt, tried to blame her for his own catastrophic lapse in judgment.Age 30
Term 3: Navy Career (Line/Crew)
Rank: Lieutenant (no bonus)
Survival: INT 5+ (4 - Mishap!)
Mishap: 4 (Blamed for accident - gain 1 Enemy, keep Benefit roll)
Hannah did pretty well for herself over her eight years of service; she leaves the Navy with a decent chunk of change in her pocket, plus a lifetime membership in the Travellers' Aid Society, and enough credit and other assets that she could make a decent down payment on a ship of her own.Mustering Out (3 rolls + 2 Benefit rolls from Rank)
Cash: 1 - Cr1,000
Benefits: 2 (+1 - Term 2 Event) - Two Ship Shares
Cash: 5 - Cr20,000
Benefits: 5 - TAS Membership
Benefits: 3 - Two Ship Shares
Did I miss anything?Skills:
Drive 0
Electronics 1 (Computers)
Mechanic 1
Streetwise 0
Pilot 0
Vacc Suit 0
Athletics 0
Gunner 0
Gun Combat 0
Admin 1
Melee (blade) 2
Tactics (naval) 1